
Something missing from this review that Polygon mentioned in theirs is the closing words of the campaign from the book “Lovely Bones”. “Murderers are not monsters, they’re men. And that’s the most frightening thing about them.”. To me, DICE including this at the end shows they got it, that they knew what they were

Eh, I don’t agree that a game like this should literally have to demonize every individual German soldier while telling a story, which is what you seem to crave. I’m sure plenty of Germans didn’t believe in what their country or their murderous leaders were doing during the war.

This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from Captain America.  “So many people forget that the first country the Nazis invaded was their own.”

But there’s a problem. It’s 2018 and I don’t need or particularly want media to humanize Nazis. I acknowledge that history is complex, and I’m glad that Battlefield treats it that way. But The Last Tiger’s extraordinary production value is hell-bent on telling the tale of “the Good German” while glossing over the

the new map ignores what most players are looking for.

You are correct in that Nazis should never ever be romanticized. That being said, just because you were in the German Army (basically forced conscription during WWII) does not mean you were a Nazi. The distinction applies to the SS. One of the best historical books that touches on this topic would be Christopher

I did, and there was a large amount of coverage about large numbers and incomplete sets of facts. By omission articles would imply that the F-35s were a quarter billion a pop and didn’t mention the fact they would get down to the ball park of other fighters before they are even fully combat ready, for example. Or they

The criticism started long before the metaphorical drywall went up.

Using how much coverage there is on something to determine its importance is a terrible metric, and if that’s what you are using to evaluate people’s commentary, I can’t imagine how confused you are at this point.

A lot of F-35 criticism has sounded like someone walking up to the frame of a house under construction and being appalled at how bad a house it is at that very moment. News flash: jet fighters take a while and are expensive.

I have zero desire to get into the mess surrounding Wu (as Gamergate is and always has been toxic as fuck, and founded on a number of fallacy-laden arguments), but I’m just going to put this out there: Comparing a political candidacy to soldiers fighting in World War II, where hundreds of thousands of American

Buy rechargeable AAs and get over yourself (all xbox AA haters/idiots). You can buy the rechargeable pack (as mentioned in the article) or better yet use standard rechargeable AAs and have even more freedom. (Amazon Basics or Eneloops are today’s go to brands, just get the standard ones that have more charge cycles).

I’ve been using the same four rechargeable AA batteries since the Xbox 360 era. Spent maybe $18 for the kit, it’s all lasted me more than ten years, and I don’t have to worry about battery disposal. When the two in my controller die, I just swap them with the two full ones waiting in the charger. You, too, can be

“act like he’s just some rando” would require me to know who he was and then ignore that. I genuinely didn’t know--there isn’t a pokedex of youtubers--and this is really interesting!

The title scared me, but one of the things that make me distrust a lot of critics is they seem to be more about the messaging of something than the entertainment value. This article is rife with the same kind of sentiments they use when they try to look at a movie or game with those filters. Even to to the opposite

Ewww, the GameCube controller?

Now playing

Just a reminder that you are living the final moments of the main character in Black Ops 3. You die during the surgery after the first mission, and the rest of the game is your brain shutting down.

DMC had always had platforming levels, especially in 3 and 4 where they severely punished you if you failed them, too. They were considerably worse especially because of the wonky gravity and minimal air control, too, and you’d often have to start over from the beginning of the platforming if you didn’t succeed,

I'd rather play a much better game with less obvious weather effects - if graphics are all that matter to you then okay, but that's a little sad.

But the thing is with Horizon 2 there's a good game attached to those weather effects.