
Well, this is just the most depressing thing I've read all day. Home of the brave my ass. We are no better than the "terrorists" we fight. We have officially become the monsters that Nietzsche warned us about. I am ashamed of my country.

My friend is an Air Traffic Controller (formerly AF now FAA). His instructor used to be stationed in Florida. One night he had an aircraft call in and request FL550, he said "If you can make it up there it's all yours" the response he got, "Descending now..." I laughed my ass off to that story and apparently they did

Fruit snack cut in half...

We did in the 90's. Certain people and young minds like to learn how things work. If its new and its available, you can bet a child will be at the helm somewhere. You see kids with serious racing setups because of their fathers all the time.

"Don't fly it like that."

You called me an Xbox fanboy for having a preference... Actually read your last comment. You're not just a Sony fanboy, you went full pony.

To be fair I didn't see any lens flare in the trailer and ultimately, no matter how bad it is, it's probably going to be better than the prequels.

"I was raised in a town that didn't really revere the OT"

My only conplaint is that it wasn't 2+ hours long and showed all the scenes in order.

Remote Play was the biggest false promise of all. Then years later, they finally enable Remote Play for most of the game library... of an entirely new console that you'll have to spend $400-$500 on. Not feeling sorry for Sony on this one.

Part of being a method actor is that you actually wind up bringing parts of that character into your own self. He's more mourning the fact that that part of him will never be whole again more than ''just a character''. I respect method actors more than any other, they have to go through a roller coaster of creation,

I'd say it's closer to finding out your ex is getting married - there was always a little part of you that thought that MAYBE you could get back together...

really? A family member dies and you JUST stare into space for 30 min and it's done with?!!

That or.... You're taking what he said too literally.

I think he meant that as "fuck there's a chapter of my life permanently closed." where as before, when it was only the idea of turning it down and still just an abstract notion in his head, since he could always change his mind, now it's absolute, the role's been filled. He's done. And ended a 10 chapter of your life

Why is that for you to say? The role ate up almost ten years of his life. He can react any way he wishes.

To be fair, he actually reacted with less drama than the entire Internet did.

The event you are talking about took place in 1954. However, 40 years later in 1994 in the Budapest Memorandum, Great Britain, the U.S., Ukraine, and Russia agreed that the Ukraine would transfer all of its nuclear arsenal (left over from the old Soviet days) to Russia. In exchange, Russia, the U.S. and Great

I had no idea C-17s had a laser missile defense system.