
Someone else posted the actual picture about an hour before you decided to describe it. :)

“Metal Gear Solid Rising”

Surely you mean you couldn’t care less? To say you could care less means that you do care, at least a bit.

“so it’s definitely not Batman under the influence of Joker gas or somesuch”

As is usually explained to anyone that makes this criticism, the extended version of the movie at least attempts to address this by telling us that all modern human technology is reverse engineered from the Attacker craft that crashed at Roswell back in ‘47.

“Comets Smell Like Cat Piss”.

“You are most definitely not a Star Trek fan if you think 2009 Star Trek was better than every other Star Trek movie since Wrath of Khan.”

“Stephen Spielberg Promises Not To Kill Off Indiana Jones”

“If an intelligent alien race wanted to make contact with us, they would go to our leadership. They wouldn’t just land in the middle of downtown and be like “Hey, nice to meet you”.”

“all the different hardware”

Now playing

Great. Now that I know there’s a twist, I’m naturally going to spend the entire movie trying to guess what it is.

* “You’re shit at dying, you know that?”

So? You can buy mp3s of The Beatles and Citizen Kane on Blu-Ray. Many people want to be able to enjoy enhanced versions of old media on modern equipment.

Yeah, you could go to nexusmods. You could download 150 gigs of mods. You could spend weeks experimenting with all of those mods to see which ones you like and which you don’t. You could then start testing all of the mods you like to make sure they all play nice with each other, and don’t slow your PC to a crawl.

It’s not at all like that.

It’s like the kid in school who informs the other children that the candy store down the road is giving away free chocolate.

“here fucking here”

“Threesomes are only normal if you’ve been sexually abused?”

“300 million times the size of our sun”

Yes, it is Windows 10. But this is not a Windows 10 upgrade that’s happening, it’s an update for an already installed Win 10.

Yes. Update FOR Windows 10, not update TO Windows 10. This is not a Windows 10 upgrade, it’s an update for an already installed Win 10.