
““We turned off everything”, he despairs, suggesting he’d tried to avoid this.”

I enjoyed all of the previous Ghost Recon games. However, unlike this upcoming game, none of them are open-world.

Okay, but low tick rate servers most definitely cause issues with online shooters. The reason for BF4's infamously disastrous launch was low tick rate servers.

Are you familiar with Battlefield 4's disastrous launch? It is widely regarded as one of the worst game launches of all time. You’d get killed after making it to cover. You’d get killed by an opponent after you had already killed him. It was considered by many to have been unplayable. The reason for this was that at

Upgrading to windows 10 isn’t for me. It’s for you. I’m not a software developer. I don’t care that you want me to be on Windows 10. I want to be on Windows 8.1. Why? Because for the week that I used Windows 10, I found it to be the most unstable OS I’ve used since Windows ME. A week’s worth of googling revealed that

It may well be better than it was a year ago, but it still has major stability issues for many many people.

“Some people like to whine and bitch about nothing.”

I did upgrade. Over the space of a week, I found Windows 10 to be the most unstable OS I’ve used since Windows ME.

I highly recommend that you look up the definition of the word rant, as you’ve used it inappropriately here.

What do you mean? What do you perceive as being wrong with his face?


“So my avatar means I’m buying star wars figures by the bulk load?”

You don’t like him, fine, but he is most certainly not talent-less.

“their “Wasteland Ranger” figure sure looks like Tom Hardy”

I’m pretty sure that your opinion is an extremely popular one.

Yes, absolutely. However, due to its shallow nature, people tend to play it less frequently than say, BF4. I, for example, would play BF4 almost daily, but play Battlefront maybe once a week.

In what way were you fooled?

That’s not a lava lamp. That’s a glitter lamp. A lava lamp contains blobs of coloured wax.

From the video:

“This is actual observation - not theory.”