Why? The Quarians left their food ships behind at their homeworld in my game. It seems unlikely that a couple hundred could repopulate an entire species when you consider they have poor immune systems already.
Why? The Quarians left their food ships behind at their homeworld in my game. It seems unlikely that a couple hundred could repopulate an entire species when you consider they have poor immune systems already.
When you look at Earth from the orbit it's pretty much devastated. On top of that images from ME1 show that Earth is already pretty much fully industrialised/desert basin. It's highly unlikely that Earth has a good amount of food production left beyond industrialised centres... And the game clearly states that…
Hm. That's possible. But unlikely. It seems probable that the reapers would target food stores.
The galaxy would survive regardless. It was never the goal of the reapers to destroy everything. Merely to cull intelligent life.
Talking about a game in the state they sold it is par for the course.
I'm with you. Don't let these perverted apologists sway your personal standards for narrative quality and player agency.
I didn't complain that my choices don't matter in the game. I stated that I was disappointed that they are rendered irrelevant by the plethora of issues that are presented after the ending.
If you have read the leaked script of the game, it was implied that Javik was inddeeda part of the main plot. He was the on who gets kidnapped on Eden Prime. Cerberus tortures him to know about the catalyst. This was later modified..
Holy shit, did you seriously just say the ending was too complicated for people?
"I'm going to call someone an idiot for the way they appreciate a product as it was on launch with no respect for the amount of time a second-playthrough would take nor the fact the product had been building to this climax over several episodes and, to them, that suspense is gone."
I haven't actually heard anyone talk about this shit. I tend to stay away from Mass Effect comments. I'm not mad at the ending. I didn't dislike it. I was disappointed with it. I see no reason to play the game again. That was only one plot hole of many.
Wow, so many soldiers? This truly is the gen of COD.
1. Shepard had died, he/she probably had no assets left to access.
That's true. Plot-holes in general were pretty rife throughout the game. I could ignore them for the most part in ME2 but ME3 became a bit bad. Especially towards the end.
But it's going to. I didn't play the extended cut as I didn't truly care by that point but you have the Turian and Quarian fleets stuck in human space with dwindling supplies of food. They are going to be the first to starve. Their technology doesn't work so they can't really grow any more food.
But it's going to. I didn't play the extended cut as I didn't truly care by that point but you have the Turian and Quarian fleets stuck in human space with dwindling supplies of food. They are going to be the first to starve. Their technology doesn't work so they can't really grow any more food.
The ending makes the choices reflected in the game completely irrelevant because pretty much everyone is going to die due to a number of reasons. They aren't explicitly stated but anyone with half a mind could realise it's going to happen.
The last 15 minutes tried their best to make every single choice in the game completely irrelevant.
Yeah, well, mass starvation/destruction of the universe/extinction of most of the races I really liked and helped build up really put a damper on the way my choices were reflected in the game.
What a relevant and lovely point. Your completely unnecessary comment just livened my day.