This game is going to make billions of dollars.
This game is going to make billions of dollars.
For many, he was an example of what more equitable storytelling might look like, a model for how to create compelling women protagonists who were also very, very fun to watch.
With darkness and silence through the night
That sounds more like a sequel to the Quest Mode in Final Lap Twin (TG-16) than a Forza Horizon. Which I FRIGGIN’ WANT.
Hey, well, I have several tattoos and you know, they helped me accept my body much more, I used to be very shy about it and now it’s almost gone
Counterpoint: tattoos can help you start liking your body more. It helped for me anyways.
...and she will regret her decision.
Someday she’ll be a wrinkly old woman and her tattoos will remind her of when she was young and beautiful. She’ll remember a great game she once loved so much, even if you can no longer recognize it from her skin.
I needed a lack of cynicism today. Thank you.
Yes yes yes. And I assume there’s decent overlap between people who want to collect a hundred cars and decorate them and people who want to dress up their avatar in stylish hoodies. Personally, i thought the personas in this game felt less like the archetypal 2010-era Brooklyn hipsters and more like amiable Coachella…
That sounds like an awesome DLC pack or something. I think FH is freaking fantastic and almost has me sold on an Series X because it’s absolutely stunning to look at and I’ve heard it’s very good in 4k.
Look...Ian...I mean this in the nicest way possible, and I say this as a fellow progressive who has tried to get people to vote for Bernie twice in a row, and this isn’t directed at you specifically but at the group you are currently representing with this article...but please, shut the fuck up.
I knew the fandom was nuts when Harry/Hermione shippers got so mad about Harry and Ginny getting together in HBP that they rewrote the entire book to be Harry/Hermione compliant. I was 14 and completely shook.
It should be noted, however, that Stephen is a dangerous rule-breaker, some sort of maverick, who brazenly answered outside the bounds of the given question.
the videogame equivalent of The Last Jedi
Lol shut the fuck up dumbass boomer
Thank you for sharing! =)
If you’ll indulge me, please allow me to talk about a twelve year old video game that gave me more good memories than maybe any other. Halo 3 is not a perfect game. There’s a lot that can be said about it, surely, about whether or not its campaign is any good, whether the multiplayer was balanced, whether it still…
As with many controversies, the Pokemon anger has never been *JUST* the National Dex situation. There has been resentment growing among the older players for generations of the game, and it has mostly to do with, for lack of a better phrase, taking the easy way out.
Game Freak has a history of doing one-and-done…