
Sorry, Luke. I saw the video. I forgot to add, “IN AMERICA,” or - more specifically - “somewhere not too far away from New York City because I know we can’t do it in Central Park because the NYPD would get multiple hemorrhages before they let that sort of event happen.”

Oh, man. This makes me wish that there was some sort of large-scale live-roleplaying thing where the organizers rent and decorate a huge plot of land and roleplayers in costume just go in there and improv scenarios - and there are no inklings that you are in anything but the world that you’ve all agreed to acting in.

Aww, this is so sweet! And also very encouraging. I have a cousin who I’m very close to that is very hard of hearing and, even though she was never particularly good at it, we played a lot of Halo: Reach together back in the day. Even though she could never really hear my - admittedly kind of incoherent - battle

God bless your soul, Fahey.

Now playing

Metal Gear Rising was... worryingly prophetic.

This feels like that scene in the Godfather where he wakes up with the horse head in his bed, except it’s Link and the horse’s head is Epona’s.

Great writeup, Luke.

Save your game to the cloud. Then you can import it into ME2.

Honest to G0d, when Slenderman became popular after the Slender game came 0ut was my, well, coming out parade as a hipster. I quite literally told someone, “Slenderman was so much cooler when he was less popular.” In a way, this was true and still is true. It was much easier to maintain the mystique that the


It’s an excellent Halo gameplay-wise that unfortunately has the worst campaign in the franchise.

Titanfall is one of my favorite shooters of the new generation. I’m happy to see that after the disappointing showing this weekend, they’re going back to what Titanfall such a good experience to begin with. Seriously, if you mess with the intricate balance of movement, gunplay, and GIANT ROBOTS HITTING OTHER GIANT

While we’re on the subject of testing video cards, I have tested Overwatch extensively on a variety of different ones and it has run FANTAStICAlLY on all of them, most of them getting the game to run at 1920x1080 at 60FPS. Say what you will about what is probably going to take the title of “Most Popular Game of 2016"

Well... that’s unfortunate.

You know, this is really interesting to me. The changing landscape of the industry basically means that any one of these employees might be out of a job at any time - which, of course, sucks for the employees. On top of that, a lot of these sorts of IP-driven projects means that they’re under the iron thumb of

Psst. You should be reading this, too. It’s actually also better than Spider-Gwen. cough cough

Just watch the episode from the West Wing; it explains it pretty well.

It seems you grew up in a rather unique environment, because I’ve never heard of a situation like that before. Those “ignoramuses” make up the vast majority of the student body and thus they band together. I’ve never heard of ignorant kids ever changing their ways because pretty much all of the time they’re too

Other people don’t see the Asian kids’ differences as advantages or interesting. They see them as a source of difference. I’m not talking about the kids who are interested in what makes Asian kids different. I’m talking about the kids that gossip with the others and whisper behind their backs saying things like, “That