Thoughts and prayers.
It also helps that C.K. has a net worth of $35 million dollars. Poor baby
OMG, first part of your comment had me spitting out my sparkling water. Norm’s comment pissed me off yesterday, glad I can laugh about it today!
I have never understood the appeal of Fallon. He has always struck me as the annoying kid from school who constantly sought attention from classmates then tattled on them to the teacher.
I’ve yet to see any evidence that Fallon has stopped his desperate, pathetic attempts to get everyone to like him.
I went to Twitter yesterday and saw that Norm MacDonald was trending. I thought maybe he died. Nope. He was just driving a nail into the coffin of his career.
Norm Macdonald continuing to saying shitty things is the least surprising part of 2018.
Have met him, can confirm he’s an asshole, so yeah, good riddance.
Also, how you gonna leave out that Trump straight up called him an “idiot” in a room full of people? Chastised makes it sound like he hit him on the nose with a newspaper. Trump read the bitch for filth in front of other employees, made him write a resignation letter...and then didn’t accept the resignation! lol
How does this not have more stars?
Calling Attorney General Keebler an “idiot”. Demanding then chief of staff Priebus kill a fly for him. Isn’t it great having such a childish, lying asshole in the Oval Office?
Sessions is hands-down the worst elf since that asshole who wouldn’t let Hermey be a dentist.
Auntie Maxine - my sHero!
Yes, she is! I love Maxine!
But there is no way in fuck any state entities should have this shit on their property. The Confederate States are the definition of TRAITORS, and honoring those who served them is the same as honoring traitors. I don’t understand this shit...
Agreed but a friendly reminder that you don’t need to “be a proponent of” or “defend” free speech. It is a legal right, enshrined (with certain qualifications) in the United States Constitution.
I am not sure that that is necessarily genius. My 5 yr old does that all the time when he gets in trouble, “Hey, buddy, did you do this bad thing that got you in trouble?” “Daddy did you know I like Pokemon and I own a restaurant in Charlottesville”.
But Charlottesville was about the Robert E. Lee statue though.