Kerry Chandler

Haha…cool. In all fairness, I very rarely travel north of Austin.

Good point about Janet. She also existed to occasionally have sex with one of his friends or family members.

I agree with you, I just think that's what he was trying to say. Also, she's only had 3 episodes and was doing that for 1/3rd of them. Skylar helped Walter sometimes, too.

The voiceover made me think of the endings of movies like Stand By Me and the Sandlot. Still a great cap to a great show, though.

The reviewer is really disdainful of the show, but in all fairness, the points he makes are very accurate. The show's three leads are horribly written cliches that would have been laughable 10 years ago, before we had high water mark shows to compare them to. The only saving graces of the show are the sets and

I think the point he was making is that she seems to exist just to get in the way of our white, male antihero, which was Skylar's entire point in BB.

1) I'm from Houston. 2) I have absolutely no love for Texas, I was just making a joke.

Speaking as a Texan who grew up here in the 80s, no one has ever cared about SMU the way the "characters" in this show do. It would have rang much more authentic if they were talking about the Longhorns or the Aggies.

Again, I think the setting and general idea of the show are great, but the horribly cliche main characters ruin it. I can decide who is a more ridiculous "character":" Perpetually Bra-less Punk Programmer Gurl or Douchey Suave Angry Antihero Man.

I feel like the show would be much better without the three main characters. They are collectively the worst part of the show.

I never thought about that, but you're totally right. He would make the perfect Matt Murdock.