if I wore a strap on under my work pants, I'd think I could avoid this sexist bullshit all together. Since men with penises don't encounter this treatment, a strap on comes in handy
if I wore a strap on under my work pants, I'd think I could avoid this sexist bullshit all together. Since men with penises don't encounter this treatment, a strap on comes in handy
i literally snorted my cereal milk up and almost died with this one
All this hooplah over a hole on a lady. geez!!
im sorry I know they have a goal to present themselves well but the whole time I read this thinking "these bitches are fucking stupid!!!".
finally a guy I don't have to say "shut up and sit still" to
that betta fish to the left did a "what that fuck!" Jerk too
How do you always get these stories?? Dudes eating period blood, fucked up pimples with eternity hairs, now this . . . . I don't even know what the hell to say about this. That Pulitzer is right around the corner!!!!
Am I objectifying her if I say she gorgeous? Like those naked lady paintings in saloons in the old west movies
Will she really bring her mattress? I hope she does
why did no one high 5 her?
If the science is real why not make doctors anaesthasize the baby??? Yeah mole removal hurts, but we don't outright ban that procedure. I smell shit.......
my mother had a long history of mental illness which resulted in a childhood of sheer chaos. So when she was diagnoses with end stage cancer I tried to forgive. I didn't until literally standing over her dead body. I'm now trying to figure out who the hell this woman was to me, as my mother AND as a woman of her own
no she is due in April, so they took money away from a pregnant person and her child. Then she needs WIC and food stamps, then she's a moocher not working hard, and the republican cycle continues. YEAH GOD!!!
if john ralfio were real I'd prolly fuck him for a while, and when I weren't doing that just party with his sister. Every time I see jenny slate I sing that "she's the worst" parks and rec song.
true I guess but youre arguing for a church that fired it's employee because she planned on birthing this child as a legally single woman. There are many rules in the bible but you cannot go by the bible in a business org. Of a man is checking out another women should he be fired, cause that's a sin. Jesus hated…
the bible is full of so much bullshit and rules. Mixing cotton and polyester is bad lol. At what point do we draw the line? At what point do we say OK you can't fire people for not following your myth? And places like the bible belt, a church or religious org job is your only option.
she looks like a drab 1990's holiday barbie
i have a Morena and I think it's an innovation for my generation of women. Should be in the Smithsonian as well. And when I'm done with it, will keep it n the fire safe box with all my legal docs and old love letters. This is no joke
so these cops turned their backs (showed their asses, as my mom says) because of jeans? Jeans-bad. Choke holds-good?