
that just seems crazy to me that that's the solution to dating a cheater. I feel bad for this women.

this is so fucking offensive— I don't know where to go from here . . .Jezebel tell me how to react to this, cause I'm truly stupefied

ass squirrels—-like ass hats?

kinda confuses me when men locked up for long sentences can father children, cause they won't be parenting them. What kind of women thinks this is good start for a kid?

Mark gets the weird/coocoo stories cause he knows how to polish turds like a champ. The yolo made me grunt-laugh

these hats are just fucking stupendous

what a mac- 2 ladies

i know right? I've never wanted anyone to win anything as much as her and that for freakish doll. Talented as shit

holy shit omg I'm cackling at your comment. And again I missed the booster lol

i mean what kind of pieces of shit are managing those shitty cops? Cause that's what counts-whose doing the firing?

when I was 18 I was living in another state entirely and my parents are both disabled ( my mom suffers from severe bipolar disorder/my dad is paralyzed from the neck down) and I still needed their financial info to go to school.

and the bitch was I didn't read one damn word about how bad that first crap hurts. Like the worst I've ever taken. Need to bring this topic out of the shadows lol

at 4 grand a month you can either get fucked now or get fucked in a couple years. And financial aid is based on parents wages and earnings tho they aren't obligated to pay. I believe her when she says that there were no options, short of going to community college(which I recommend). Her facial abuse video was gut

this lady is awesome!! not afraid of a blind date, spur of the moment chest tattoos, refuses to be slapped around, sexing on 2 dudes in one day, and cheats death??!! Yolo mother fuckers!!! I want her as a life coach

I'm in agreeance with others on this page, I wouldn't consider her an idol or hero. She was forced into porn as a last resort to pay for school. Plus she's made some other stupid comments about privatizing school loans(like school isn't already expensive enough) that I think make her look a Lil off putting. I hate it

is the secrecy due to whale slut shaming or are guy whales just well hung gentlemen?

Heres they're twitter handle. @Marian_High

i know it's weird but we would always use benadryl and syrup to put down squirrels and rabbits we found dying in the woods. If our dogs attacked them, or if we just found hurt animals. At a young age I understood the idea of dying with dignity.

i love how they work so close with the poor but are ignorant to the causes/accociations of poverty. And what about fraudulent claims to gain religious exemptions. Is there no oversight? And what punishment is there for this fraud?

lavern cox!! Shes a great serious actor but with her wit she's made for comedy!!!