The best part of this is that Baio now has to walk around with the knowledge that a petite blonde lady came to his rescue and everyone knows it. He seems like the kind of guy that would be really bothered by that.
The best part of this is that Baio now has to walk around with the knowledge that a petite blonde lady came to his rescue and everyone knows it. He seems like the kind of guy that would be really bothered by that.
Um. I’m getting a steak dinner and tickets to the Harlem Globetrotters...
I usually skim the Atlantic and the New Yorker - if not entirely liberal leaning, they tend to at least support those kinds of ideas.
I don’t know anyone personally here as far as I know, but I love this place and the people here. We are smart, diverse, and amazing. We can do this. It was apparent world-fucking-wide today how people feel and I loved every moment. That’s all I got.
I had to work today, so I missed out on my small town’s (sadly not well spread news-wise) meeting downtown. However, many of my friends (female and male! with their kids!) went to their local meetings and shared pictures and made me rather jealous... I’m loving all the pictures.
Yup! The lists are my favorite part!
The Pillow Book is kind of like reading a 1000-year-old blog. It even has listicles.
I marched in Portland, Maine today and instead of the 2000 people that were expected, over 10,000 showed up. It was an incredible experience to be surrounded by families and friends (and many, many men and children) who were just happy to celebrate the causes they believed in. Women’s rights, climate change,…
I’m so proud of everyone who went to the Marches! It was a great example of grassroots organizing. I know there were some rough spots in the planning, but I love how everyone worked through them and put in a lot of effort to make sure they were inter-sectional, inclusive events.
While I’m on the rant, I am sooooooo sick of “white working class” “working class voter” “working class working class working class” when the fact is, as Patton Oswalt put it, in 2016 we discovered that America is even more sexist than it is racist, and we’re REALLY racist. But bring that up and you get a lot of white…
That’s a real player move.
I don’t think he’s going to even make it to Former President. Right now I’m at about a 50/50 as to whether he’ll be six feet under from a massive heart attack or stroke, or in jail (with his presidency invalidated) by this time four years from now.
Saying Hillary Clinton “bears some responsibility” for Trump’s Presidency is right up there with saying a woman “bears some responsibility” for getting raped.
I million per cent.
Wait, how do you run a horrible campaign and win the popular vote?
I met him once, and while I disagree with him politically on almost everything, he was a kind and charming man to a nervous bunch of 20-year-old college girls who were there to sing for his anniversary party (one of the more random things to happen to me in my life). I can’t forgive his son for what he did to this…