
Also The General in Hell Bent, who went from white male to black female.

It did happen in Hell Bent, with The General commenting on being glad to be back in her normal form after regenerating, but I'm totally on board with Stephen Fry as The Rani, so sign me up!

Little bit of old-school trivia - part of the reason Joanna Lumley wound up as the Female Doctor in that is because she'd been floated as the favored choice of the "Let's make The Doctor a woman" crowd back when Tom Baker was leaving. (Yeah, it's been a thing that long.)

Given how often recasting's happened in Who, it might even increase his chances.

Another option if you're looking to get a feel for Big Finish in general on a budget is to keep an eye on Humble. I've picked up a couple sizeable Doctor Who/Torchwood BF bundles from there, and they've been known to run Doctor Who comic bundles as well.

Upvote for being a fellow McCoy fan! I mostly enjoyed this episode but agree that something felt missing somehow, and Bill's discovery of the translation circuit definitely shouldn't have happened this late in the season.

Upvote for Corinne Bohrer mention. Definitely don't see enough of her.

I'm willing to give it a shot because I'm intrigued by Serafinowicz's take on The Tick, but I'm not really digging Arthur's characterization either. I vastly prefer the 'voice of reason who's in over his head' take on him from the animated series.

Someone who watches it on a Roku or any similar system? Yeah, I have an ad blocker on my desktop, but some things I want to watch on a screen bigger than my monitor.

Gotta upvote for Conchata Ferrell - been a big fan of hers for ages!

Upvote for "the whitest whitey who ever whited" I'll have to remember that one for future reference.

What drives me up the wall on principle, skippable or not, are the "ads" that're significantly longer than the content I'm trying to watch. The most egregious example I can think of was when YouTube ran the 2-hour premiere episode of Shannara Chronicles as a pre-video "ad" for a week or two back when it first came

Just the other day I ran into a Bosom Buddies reference and wondered what Peter Scolari's been up to lately. Glad to find out things seem to be going his way.

Definitely interested in Nick Cave and Merchandise, but no mention of the new one by Southern Culture On The Skids? Disappointing.

If you have a Hulu subscription, it's available there. Not sure that it's accessible on the free version, though. I haven't watched it yet either, but as a fan of James Corden's work in Ned & Stacey and Doctor Who, it's on my list of shows to get to.

I just kept getting more and more incredulous at his utter denial of Clarissa's popularity, particularly given that the show was a big enough deal that CBS greenlit a sequel pilot. It didn't get picked up and was eventually aired as a special on Nick, but still, one of the "Big Three" thought it was worth considering.

Yeah, the last thing you could accuse John Callahan of is pandering. I often wondered how he managed to score a Nick series, given how adamantly anti-PC he was, particularly when it came to portrayals of the disabled. He certainly wouldn't brook any preciousness when it came to his own situation.
Don't get me wrong -

A few thoughts:

The spoon fight worked for me as well, because I took it as a callback to the 7th Doctor, who's one of my favourites.
(For anyone unfamiliar with Classic Who, McCoy played the spoons in "Time and The Rani" and " The Greatest Show In The Galaxy".)

Off the top of my head, I can't think of any stories or adaptations where going back in time and killing a baddie is successful in changing society, but I can think of a couple where going back in time and preventing a suicide has a significant positive impact.