

Do this, the 6 Nations is fucking awesome (Lets have some 6Nations coverage Deadspin!!!) Its all shown on the BBC here so if its not on BBC America or whatever then I’d suggest a VPN and watching it on the BBC Sport website

I mostly remember having dial-up and shouting at my mum for going and using the phone at the exact moment the girl I liked logged into MSN Messenger almost every single evening...

Mac cheese in a burger?!?! You people are fucking monsters....

Great shout, Toy Story is definitely up there as one of the best film trilogies

I know its not particularly relevant on this play, but do the players even get taught how to tackle properly at any level (HS, college, NFL)? I feel like I see way less concussions in pro rugby because there is so much emphasis put on tackling correctly by putting the head to the side, hitting with the shoulder and

Watched the playoff games vs NYCFC and it just looked so easy for Bradley. He shrugged off challenges like they were nothing and spread the play around well.

Its strange everyone shits on the fan experience in the US. I’ve been to 3 of the games over here in London and for $75 a ticket the experience was always been great. Granted the queue for beer at Wembley is absurd, but the system at Twickenham for Giants/Rams means you never queue more than 2 minutes for beer.

The fact that there’s a draft, salary cap and the league decides which team the top-tier foreign talent ends up on. Get rid of all that and have a regular like every other country, that way US teams can actually compete and aren’t handicapped in competitions like the CONCACAF CL

I appove of this idea

Here in England we had Buck Martinez and some other dude, anyone know where I can find that again?

I love you

Whats the deal with having the cans in paper bags at the end? Apologies for my British ignorance.....

Florida is batshit insane. Cast them adrift into the Atlantic. Mississippi and North Carolina can go too....

Barry, make it so!

Have you guys been watching any of the Paralympics?

Abed does.....

South Korea’s golden goal vs Italy at the 2002 World Cup


Shooting yourself is instant. Without access to a weapon that can kill instantly, there is time for people to saved/talked out of other methods