
I need some court advice - I know we have some savvy law people here. Long story short, I’m expecting to be sued for grandparent’s rights. I’m the one raising my nephew.

The grandparent bringing the suit has grounds to do so, but doesn’t have a leg to stand on once other members of the family testify about the

Hi Jezzies - another job question. Have you ever been in a situation where you have an offer for a “kinda neat, but not quite great” job and a job listing for an “ermergersh amazing!” job comes up that you are totally qualified for and REALLY want? And the candidate selection process for that awesome job will take a

I was once a bank teller and can confirm. If the second party is there with ID we were down to make it happen. I once had a newlywed couple at my counter who did quite well with their $$ gifts and it was a good 5-10 minutes of signing...and signing...and signing...and signing...

Thank you for your advice!  It is appreciated :)

Can anyone who’s in a position of hiring people offer actual ways for application to get your attention?

I lost my job last month and the job search has been awful. I lose my insurance in a week. My severance gets me to the middle of next month. I’ve applied to tons of jobs that I’m qualified for...and nothing. I’m a

Now, I’m not some sort of cultured ballet enthusiast but a friend took me to a show and holy hell...grown ass men leaping through the air and barely making a sound when they landed. I don’t even know what kind of muscle strength and control that takes because I can’t even walk in my house that quietly, but dude,

Have you considered the new CRV? My step mom’s ‘18 has acres of legroom in the back and could easily accommodate rear facing car seats without the front seat riders eating their knees.

Ooh, I’ll give this a try.  Thank you!

Congrats to your daughter!  My nephew does gymnastics and there are always teen girls out on the main floor flying through the air or spinning on the bars.  I am always so impressed at how strong mentally and physically they are!  Bunch of badasses they are.

I was let go at work this week over something incredibly dumb (my doing) and I should have seen it coming. The blame is on me of course, but the problem was made so much worse by forces out of my control. I am really wishing that I had listened to my gut when it started telling me to find a new job months ago - my

and it’s super-annoying for bank tellers

I’m a childless friend (with auntie status to several kids) who unexpectedly came into “parenthood” by way of my nephew needing a better home, so I’ve lived both sides. If you’d like suggestions on how to support your friends:

I went to a Montessori school under the departure path of SNA (before the throttle back rule) and man, it was so great watching it all from the monkey bars.

The head restraint should be adjusted so that it’s at least to the top of your ears.  I prefer the bulk of it to be solidly behind my head, as you do.

The most successful method for me was to create a strict budget and stick to it. I now operate with a weekly cash budget that has worked wonders for me and whatever was left was put towards my credit cards. I also did what I could to live as cheaply as possible - line drying laundry, few if any vacations, basic cable

I was gonna say...skimming rooftops on approach to San Diego is kind of fun.  As is the takeoff from SNA.

I rafted the Kings River over the is COLD and fast.  Poor guy didn’t have a chance if he went in.

or a snake plant
