Suicide is the worst way to lose someone. My heart hurts for all involved.
Suicide is the worst way to lose someone. My heart hurts for all involved.
Whenever my mom starts getting fussy about unruly kids in a restaurant I like to remind her that she once had screaming kids too. Boy that pisses her right off!
I’m a ginger and can confirm
I’d say that’s pretty decent compensation given that airlines have no control over wildlife. And now have an engine or two to write off.
If all I had to do was some chores to get the summers off again I’d totally be down.
Has your mother always trampled over your boundaries?
I’ve had two arthroscopies (I have plica syndrome) and you’re doing all the right things. You’re right at the peak of swelling so keep those ice packs on and elevate as much as possible. The joint will feel really tight for a while, but you should start feeling better in the next few days. Wrapping it with an ACE…
I hear ya. I lost my older brother four years ago this past Monday ;( and the weight of caring for my parents is looming. I have a half brother on my mom’s side and they’re totally codependent on each other, but I’m all my dad’s got once his wife is no longer able to care for him. And he has a disabled brother who is…
Right? I know a few people who have autoimmune conditions they attribute to having lived near mold. No way.
Y’alls are right. I’ll make an appointment with my doc :) (have to go to her first for a referral)
Can I be petty for a second?
Oh man, I have been making a bunch of stuff but it’s been so long since I could SNS so I don’t know what’s new...<goes and checks FB and IG)...ah, here!
Hey Jezzies - does anyone have experience with managing motion sickness that is, for lack of a better term, all in your head?
I used to be able to ride in the back of cars, go on roller coasters 4x in a row, etc. etc. with no problem, and now MY driving makes my head spin. Elevators give me the woozies too, and I’ve…
Agreed. Just make the whole plate the In-N-Out logo.
Oh gosh I wish that CA registration were only $50/year.
It’d be cool if they developed a telescoping travel version.
Agreed. My uncle is disabled and his hands have progressed to near-Parkinsons shakiness and watching him try to drink from a glass breaks my heart. Eventually straws will be all he can use.
some of whom may have been handed off to human traffickers
I like that tag! And holy hell, YES fabric is expensive. Fortunately sales and coupons are easy to snag, but a pair of flannel pants can run you $20 or more if you’re not careful..
Considering how commonplace LATCH is these days (and rideshare cars tend to be newer) you should have no trouble/hassle installing that seat and getting on your way :)