
Don’t get it either. I’m 5'-2" and it doesn’t bother me a bit. I fit on airplanes and get to climb on counters without judgement.

Your replies always make me crack up.

ThisMy Korean coworker gave her son her maiden as a middle (it’s a simple name that works well there), but to your point I’ve not seen it done elsewhere!

Ha, I made a sticker chart for the kids of the family I rent from. Empty the dishwasher? Get a star. Sit on your brother and force his clothing back on? Get a star. The kids earn decent rewards every 15 stars. They’ll effing rob a bank for a sticker star.

The San Diego Wild Animal Park Safari Park has three cheetah cubs on regular display in the nursery, as well as a baby rhino out with the herd in their large enclosure. The lorikeets are also nesting like crazy (the lorikeets are my favorite thing there ‘cuz $4 gets you a cup of nectar to feed them).

I agree - one could argue that miter saws are safer for tool noobs too. I can’t even think of a time in the past year that I even needed a circular saw but have used a miter saw plenty.

Sure thing :)

Same. If oils are so wonderful then why does my friend constantly complain about not feeling well/body parts hurting?

Such pyramid schemes. But the MLM coaches will never tell you that as long as they’re making money off of every new body you bring to the fold.

I feel that a lot of the efficacy of oils is psychological. The heaviest users I know are all very insecure people. My friend isn’t insecure, so this doesn’t support my theory, but darnit if she isn’t always complaining that she feels this, that hurts, and so on and so on. I have tried the oils (a beta test of sorts)

Thank you for your reply - I know that took you some time to write. You make many good points, especially about boundaries and that’s exactly what it is. It’s a boundary. I hadn’t thought of that. I’ll work on getting your other suggestions into action.

I think she’s too far gone to save. She’s being mentored by someone who makes $60k/month with this MLM and of course this person is feeding my friend that she too can make endless amounts of money.

The crazy thing is that this rental situation is otherwise pretty great for both parties. She provides me cheap rent so I can save for a house, and in return I help cook, clean, and watch kids. It was fine until she started demanding unwavering support for a business whose products I have no interest in.

This is what bothers me so much about MLMs - the hype that friends will change their long-held product preferences simply because you’re their friend. It doesn’t work that way.

I like this.

Yeah, business and friends are a booger sometimes.

This is good advice - I’ll polish it up and use it.

Hahaha I have a friend that lowkey hates me because I can do so many different things. But it all comes back to just being a creative person and a design education. The different mediums just come with study.

New realtor time. I sold my condo last year and my agent was the freaking boss at yelling at our shit management company. Your realtor should be your advocate.

Yay! I always get so excited for craft time!