
TSwizzle aside the animation in that video is damn awesome. It tapped right into my love for Saul Bass.

Imagine Dragons just did this too and it was so frustrating. I was able to get decent seats without too much work, fortunately.

I own a 2010 Fit and concur. It’s cheap to run and repair (the one problem it’s had cost me $300) and is relatively enjoyable to drive. It’s slow as hell off the line however.

Exactly why I, as an avid shoe hater, wear shoes on an airplane. On top of that shoes are pretty bulky in luggage so might as well slap them on.

Same, on all accounts except for the decent cost of living (San Diego kind of sucks for that).

I live with a family that has small kids. My ovaries have shriveled up and died because of them. Amazing how kids can be birth control.


An album in parseltongue (feat. Nagini) would be kind of cool though...

I am impressed by your Tasker-fu.

Thanks! There are a few other minor relatives that I’d like to do the same with so that gives me a direction to point myself in.

Off topic, but is anyone else totally bummed out by their food court’s new berry smoothies? They’re awful and I miss the old ones full of crap.

Is it possible to dictate how cash inheritances are to be used? For example, I would want to leave my retirement fund to my younger brother for the express purpose of paying for college or trade school tuition, plus any necessary school/career-related supplies (he wants to be a chef). Can I say pretty much that in

I saw a guy in a Wrangler this morning with what looked like a BMX peg mounted to the exterior of the door frame to rest his foot on. He’s going to be really sad about that if he ever gets sideswiped. Until then I suppose he enjoys the airflow to his balls.

Even without airbags you have a “it’s bad in a crash” excuse to use - putting feet up on the dashboard can cause the passenger to submarine out of the seat belt and that’s not so hot for one’s innards.

He doesn’t have a golf club there and therefore doesn’t care.

I don’t disagree with you, but you’ve made me realize that since everything is upside down in Australia stuff gets shoved down their buttholes instead of up their buttholes like here in the northern hemisphere.

Made my day!

I imagine people who pay for Saks prison boot camp could buy a liver

My step mom practically worships him and whenever some ailment comes up in discussion I get to hear whatever bullshit he’s spouted about it for hours...ughghghghghhghg

This is a great tip - I’ll start doing it too.