
Call your preferred Honda dealer. I followed the instructions Honda gave me (i.e. wait and try not to die) until my dad told me that all you have to do is have your dealer order the parts. I did that, the dealer said Honda was full of crap for not following up, and my Fit was fixed within weeks.


I considered the San Diego one, but I have a wedding cake to deliver that day and there goes my Saturday :/

Chasing birds would be a perfect job for my dog so she can start paying some damn rent!

Mine’s due tomorrow, but the last one kind of sucked because I missed a few days of BC due to a remodeling project. I also have an ovarian cyst that can’t decide if it’s going to sit quietly or just tug at my insides for days on end so that’s not great. But I finally finished remodeling my bathroom so I have a nice

It is a big scary step but I don’t regret it at all :) I’m about to put my condo on the market after living here for 10 years and doing a crap ton of remodeling. I’m a little sad, but I’ll walk with a fat payday and have a cheap place to rent for a while so I can save up for the home I want.

I’d say it’d be important

That’s impressive. I’ve been to...nine? concerts total.

I dunno...does your license plate make reference to 3EB...twice?

Considering that the San Diego County Fair is awesome but cannot book much in the way of decent (to me) music I feel really bad for the shittiest state fair I can think of.

Lol and Third Eye Blind is still very much alive too. A friend of mine is an obsessed fan.

How does that earring not hurt.

‘10 Fit, the circumference of the earth isn’t enough to get to top speed, but my wife did manage to get it to around 93 while commuting to work.

I did the laughing thing at a meeting of my scarily corrupt HOA last night. I nearly got the meeting adjourned!

This is my crafty space - it’s a 6' x 6' walk in closet converted to a craft hole. I’ve got A LOT more fabric, ribbon, and machines in there now but it works! All of it is from IKEA and goodness, all of those drawers are great.

All of my stained glass and glass mosaic supplies live in IKEA Kallax 2x2's in the living

That poor kitty. I’m glad you’re helping it to be warm.

Side story - I once made a basic shelter on my porch for a feral kitty that’d been hanging out. It checked out my shelter for a minute, and then noped out of there super fast, never to be seen again. I am not a good kitty shelter builder apparently.

I got new plates and glassware for Christmas and I was fricken stoked. I am an adult, apparently.

I’m not in the ACL club but I’m in the stupid knee club (plica syndrome from an injury) and if you’re going to be hobbling for a while, I highly recommend Mobilegs crutches and a Polar Care set. Hope you’re on the mend soon!

Is there a Tumblr that these are coming from or something because they make me laugh every time.

Glad nobody is in the office because I am L A U G H I N G