
Before the question comes up (and it always does ...) these are NOT really suitable for growing weed/cannabis in your home. The LEDs are not strong enough, there is no way to light-proof the environment to enforce a 12:12 light/dark cycle that triggers flowering (meaning you can only use autoflowering strains if

Before the question comes up (and it always does ...) these are NOT really suitable for growing weed/cannabis in

“brining the toll to five dead” seems like a pretty bad editing error to be making on a story like this

Not good for weed. Even with the T5 to LED swap the lighting is pretty weak and the hight is too short for growing (weed stretches tall even in small containers). That is not even the deal breaker though ...

The real deal breaker is that when in veg growth mode, weed needs roughly 20 hours of light and 4 hours of

Not good for weed. Even with the T5 to LED swap the lighting is pretty weak and the hight is too short for growing

The pool reporters were not allowed out of the transport vans at the stadium because this was a planned PR stunt and the logistics folks knew VP would be leaving ASAP

nope. The Satanic Temple is a religion which under law is a protected class. The baker *must* make the religious cake of Satan or they are violating established law.

The reason they can (possibly) refuse to make a gay-themed cake is that LGBT is not a protected class and thus it’s easier to get away with blatant

Have two of them for wife and I. Love them.

Biggest issue with kayaks is that I knew if I had to store something big in the garage and use roof rack rails to lug something around we’d likely never use them.

Have two of them for wife and I. Love them.

Biggest issue with kayaks is that I knew if I had to store something big

You can but it is not ideal. Too small and the light is not adjustable enough even for a small setup. Basically aero is not good for fast growing stuff

You can but it is not ideal. Too small and the light is not adjustable enough even for a small setup. Basically aero

Why do you redact their email addresses? Share and show!


It’s more than laziness. This charity has the same accounting team as one of Trump’s sons who also operates a charity in NY that is legit and has filed the proper paperwork.

When a Trump account has filed the proper forms for one charity but not the other charity you can bet something is going on. The evidence is

Used this string to make a 20ft diameter Yurt all pretty and lit inside without requiring much power. Highly recommended.

Used this string to make a 20ft diameter Yurt all pretty and lit inside without requiring much power. Highly

That track is only used incredibly rarely and when used only by trains moving at a slow almost walking-like pace. Not to excuse the drivers but a frequent driver through that area would almost never see a train or think that track was live.

Warren had a ton of friends all over the place - my facebook wall is full of sad people at the moment. He was the sweetest/nicest dude and was taken way too ‘effing soon

This is not an anti-science thing. The article clearly states that the issue is with providers bulking out their products with cheap filler - or in the case of the company that was busted, selling “cheese” that contains literally 0% parm. This is a legit concern related to food fakery and not a “OMG cellulose OMG!!!”

People who care about police coverups for the wealthy/special class, police chiefs intentionally trying to mislead reporters, mysterious edits/alterations to public records and police officers working 2nd jobs that potentially compromise their ability to perform their primary job function all give a fuck. ... at least

There is no lack of women in Biotechnology or the life sciences industry in general. It’s one of the few areas where there are lots of amazing, accomplished and very senior women leading both the science and business side of things. We can do better but relative to other disciplines the gender mix is actually pretty

ALS is almost always called out for the serious stuff but they also get called out as the “A-Team” when the 1st responders want more capability onsite. For some stuff (heart attack, etc.) there is a measurable increase in lives saved when the ALS folks get there and push drugs right away vs. waiting for however long

Request for ALS in non-hardcore medical scenarios is often driven by the fact that the paramedics on the ALS trucks (vs EMTs on regular ambulances) are allowed to push drugs and have that stuff onhand. Could be as trivial as saline for dehydration or narcan for overdoses or more significant cardiac meds etc. In MA

88 and 14 are common code symbols for the modern nutter who may find career/social limitations in rocking a swastika graphic or tatoo

This is a dangerous question for your audience due to the massive state by state differences. Without knowing the state there is no generic good answer.

Huh? How were they forced to resign? All of the media reports I’ve seen said that the teacher and principal chose to resign in disgust over the lack of support they got from the school administration. So it was a voluntary thing driven by shitty administration and not a disciplinary action.