
Amen to that! and that way the excuse of "I didn't know" would become invalid.

Sadly, I think you're right.

That's fair and it's also why I said it's conflicting.

I struggle with that one, to be honest. Have you ever looked a rapist in the eye and had them laugh at you, at the pain and humiliation they've caused? They don't get it, they don't know how much it hurts and destroys the person they've violated. So sometimes, yea, I think some people will only learn by experiencing

Whaaa? I don't remember that episode! lol

Maybe they rub ice on them backstage.

Unpopular opinion! I love sheer clothing. I think it's beautiful and compliments the body. That said, I'd never wear sheer outside of the home because few people can see nudity (even veiled) as anything other than sexual. sigh.

Eugh! Chills, skin crawly chills. That is verbatim what the man that raped me said to the officer during his police interview. What's scary is that this excuse works.

Oh crap, sorry, I couldn't follow the link. That was my error that time.

I didn't say he was wrong. What I did say was that my original post was not exclusive, otherwise I would have said "Only in america, yo" but I didn't because that would be factually incorrect. I didn't say it was "a new concept". Good day.

Saying it's american is not the same as saying it has never happened anywhere else, ever, thanks though.

Exploiting tragedy for profit, maybe? That's a good 'ol amurrican tradition.

oh . . ma . .gah! that site is life!

But then she'd have to wear a white glitter unicorn horn and it'll just snowball from there. ooh, or an eyepatch . . . now I've gone back into game character creation mode.

I think it'd look good dyed to look like fire. Then people would just think "ooh a phoenix" and not "ugh, rat-mullet". or skunk mullet.

Where'd she get that?! I love blue lipstick. I've been giving my game characters blue lipstick for years now. I like it, I don't care what anyone thinks.

That ain't right :(

Thank you for that. It does seem easier to convict a minor as a sex offender than an adult nowadays. When it's an adult perp "it's just a misunderstanding". Really? A misunderstanding? Gah!

"A little bit of poop in the cupcake" Lol.

He's a liberal actually and his personal responsibility talk is in reference to himself. By the end of visits my fiance and I often have to search for my eye balls because I roll them so hard they fall out. These guys come in all shapes and sizes, I guess. It sucks.