
Those dolls are AWESOME! If you want an entertaining weekend walk down the street tossing one between you and your buddy, carry it upside down, hold it by the head, laugh as grown women faint.

Yeah what has yoga ever given to the world other than yoga pants and women who can touch their foreheads to their knees?

But if a teacher met up with a student on Facebook and slept with them there would be an equal amount of anger that the school or facebook didn't do enough to stop things like this.

Via Wikipedia:

Apparently most iOS users have a hard time when there isn't a big glossy lozenge shaped button that does the work for them.

Me and my friends meetup in a similar way using this on android:

It leaves out setting DHCP on the Mac. As a non-Mac user is the OS really smart enough to switch to DHCP if the statically set address doesn't work?

Ethically I don't think there is an issue but there is alot of potential to make the problem worse. The actions may drive the criminal into hiding, lengthened the time he had to attack, made it more difficult for the police to stop him, etc.

What is the resource cost of the last half a brush full of toothpaste? Because it's great to have a design that is more efficient but if it has a higher failure rate, leads to more accidental loss, or just costs a small amount or resources more to produce, you end up with a net loss and you're making the problem

Am I the only one getting sick to death of infographics?

Yeah, the number of flips affecting the juiciness is basically a myth, as is searing the meat to "seal" in the juices. The flip myth comes from the idea that you shouldn't re-cook already cooked meat; which is true but only in regards to cooking, dropping back to room temp, then cooking again.

Seriously sell. I'm sick of the market being so high and stable; I'm not making any money.

Yeah, the problem is that it looks so much like Gold is in a bubble right now so I don't want to buy any incase the price drops. Meanwhile it keeps going up.

I heard the idiot Representative that is unfortunately my personal voice in the government pushing the "Fuck Compromise, Tea Party or nothing!" plan today.

"What happens if everyone stops accepting the dollar? It would be worthless, Bitcoin is the same way." Even if the economy goes tits up the Dollar is still going to be considered much more stable worldwide than a web only currency made popular but the illegal download crowd.

"Unfortunately, the feature lives on in the Android version of Google Maps Navigation..."

And the aliens didn't download an update to their anti-virus scanning software since the Roswell crash?

I don't know how it works but that's not it; radio waves aren't flat like that where such a small degree of change makes a difference. At arms length and 2ft up is about the same, but under the chin is a massive difference.

I agree but it makes such a major difference there has to be something going on.

I remember arguing with people that there is no scientific basis about your skull "resonating" with the signal; but I stopped when I did some testing myself. Putting the remote under your chin doesn't just help a bit, I could get triple or quadruple the range than just holding it in my hand.