
True, and not only do they get some great training they save a guys life in the process. That's the best 2 for 1 deal you could get.

If you don't use a piece of wood tuned to your exact speaker size the sound won't be as "warm".

It's funny how many of us use the same one or a derivative of the same name. It's like they're an online persona incase you bump into the same person on another site.

Agree 100%

Why are you guys still talking when there are boobs present?!

It's the hipster paradox. When nobody is using it it's cool so Gizmodo shows it off. But then when other people see it and decide to buy in it's not cool anymore; by reporting on it Gizmodo is destroying it.

You want to know what uses less plastic, costs less to produce, uses less resources, is more easily recyclable, is more resilient, and hits your pocket less?

This would really apply to anything when you don't want to be caught; cover yourself in excrement, rob a convinced store, and dare anybody to tackle you on the way out.

I always wanted to get one of those but never got around to it.

It's not AOL but Arrington has way more influence over influencing tech start-up funding than he should.

I'm thinking you must not regularly read Arrington's posts. He has to be the most fat-headed person in the startup world, you can already gather from this message just how highly he thinks of his own opinion. And while his reporting is very influential if you listen to him you can see that he thinks that he makes or

Which explains alot of the data on this page, added sugar packs on alot more calories than you find in the alcohol.

Who actually bothers researching if this is real or not?

I don't get it, where's the question about which Hipstamatic Filter makes the hamburger I'm eating look most ironic?

Damn government stole the idea from my website.

Agree 100%. For me I need a physical keyboard for when I'm doing alot of typing, screen keyboards are only good for short twitter/facebook entries.

That's what I was thinking as well. You can see 18 year old kids doing the same thing if you goto any Basic Training location.

Is it just me or is it ironic to read a complaint blog post, about a complaint blog, that is complaining about people on yelp who complain?

I agree 100% that the software would need to be designed for it. However once that's done it could be really useful. Up until we had computer screens most all of our work was done in a two panel environment; textbooks have two sides, the notepads we take notes in have two sides, etc.