
One of these days I'm going to learn theme design for Androids, create a HHG2G (ca. 1981) theme, and the greatest phone ever will be born.

When the iPhone4 antenna problem came to light Apple started by denying it, when they finally acknowledged it they didn't fix it, and as an excuse all they offered was a band-aid, and they pulled that after a month leaving people with no fix for what is obviously an APPLE DESIGN FLAW.

GPS batteries aren't that great either. Hiking in the mountains my Garmin only gets twice the time as my phone. And in the car you can use a car charger the same as the GPS uses.

I totally agree.

You're not very good at judging distance. The picture is up the road about 15-20ft, the cracks in the road go up about 50ft, they would still be visible.

I couldn't part with HTC Sense but finally jumped into Cyanogen. Believe me, it's worth it. Take a day off on your weekend and start rooting and flashing.

Yeah the shock shouldn't be that gas is cheaper that fiji water. It's that people are dumb enough to pay $10 a gallon for something that is cheap as free from your own tap. And usually given away for free at most locations.

Yeah, get a Flogers coffee can.

Considering the distances and time involved the most likely outcome is that we develop faster than light travel and humans from the year 4000 rush ahead of these messages, and intercept them as part of a high tech auditory museum of history.

It's still fun to setup a mobile workspace, even if it's rarely used. Kind of like a digital "bug-out" bag, nice to know you can grab and go as you please.

Another vote for Tasker. You can have it mute when it detects a certain SSID, Bluetooth device, GPS coordinate, or when an application opens.

I've noticed that while paying per pound it's all that yummy unhealthy Ranch dressing that you're paying for. Feel the weight of the salad before and after and it nearly doubles.

The sword battle from Deathstalker 3 deserves a post of it's own.

Too true. How often have you given a credit card to waiter or waitress?

But that was not taken by an iPhone.

Somehow I don't think the "But I'm an ironic hipster!" argument makes it less lame. Besides a truly ironic hipster doesn't even go into the show with the rest of the sheep; they just sit outside the venue smoking cigarettes, texting their friends how these shows are never as good as they used to be.

The picture of that guy reminds me of Denholm Reynholm.

I love those videos with sound. Hearing the last remnants and debris of booster rattle off the booster at 44km is pretty cool, same with hearing the atmospheric noise get louder as it gets closer to the ground.

Yeah the big guys that spend all their time walking back and forth in front of the machines flexing in front of girls are the real noobs. People who treat the gym like the bar never last more than a month or two (It's pretty expensive to pay just to walk around).

I think WWI has the highest military deaths in a single battle due to the high tech weapons and low tech tactics; but overall the casualties for the war were lower.