
Odd since the extremely high price of oil has been determined by the free market and all money helps private oil companies break profit records year by year.

Kat, you accidentally put "Apple Geniuses" instead of "Geek Squad" in the story. Even apple wouldn't be so dumb to overcharge this much for one of their Geniuses to come to your company and blame the problems on your software.

"The British should be ashamed... ...although I am thankful the Queen hasn't released a sex tape."

I was just going to say that this is the same thing as haloween where parents throw out any non-factory-packaged treats because the popcorn balls given away by the grandmother at the top of the street may have cyanide in them.

Loving the new site so much I wanted to post twice.... >:(

You're missing the real point here. Richard Branson just got 45 academy award nominated A-list celebs to be some of the first on his new spaceship.

That's the irony, much like iOS the only real noticeable difference is NEW WALLPAPERS!!!

I hate the "Treasure Hunt" it's half the reason my membership lapsed for these type of places. Ikea is the worst, have you ever known what you want beforehand and tried to find it? Besides being a maze the hard to find kiosks that tell you where items are hides the "search by name option" and encourages you to

Off topic but does anybody else find it ironic that many people carry aluminum "reusable" water bottles to cut down on wasting plastic water bottles?

So many of the vending machines were more novelty to me (like whiskey in a vending machine) what I really liked were getting hot or cold drinks from the same machine. In cold weather a hot drink is awesome.

Kids don't have the gourmet tastes of grownups; a can of spaghetti-Os is on the same level as Steak au Poivre with Brandied Cream Sauce. Stock up on soups, TV dinners, and Hamburger Helper.

VOTE: American Express Blue card

That is EXACTLY right, those of us who are disciplined are reaping rewards.

Not sure where you're from, but the Enquirer is similar to newspapers like the Weekly World News, the Globe, The Sun, Daily Mirror, stuff like that. I think alot of the rage here, and my reason for commenting, is the fact that Gizmodo just reposted something from the National Enquirer.

Voicemails are ALWAYS ok (so long as it's legit and not just "call me back").

There's still tons of fun even when zombies aren't involved. Rent the movie "Doomsday" for example.

I think the zombie bit was Kyle's artistic licence to have some fun with the story; the actual document doesn't address zombies (they're not real).

From the sounds of it the Police and National Guard will have safeties off for dealing with the populous if they try to steal their equipment; you may end up with a bullet for your troubles.

If it was $11500 in today's dollars how did Indiana Jones take these all over while working on a part time college professor's salary?

I could care less about unbreakable windows; I haven't broken a window in decades.