
You didn't click through their concept pics did you? Specifically the one that shows all the skiers as bikini clad girls.

I thought the new site was just broken in Chrome, good to know I'm not blind. There is no picture, no video; just a sentence and a link?

They should have known when they saw the hyperlinks for not

@IceMetalPunk: Twitter self-promotion on even weeks, Facebook self-promotion is on odd weeks.

I like that the aliens were just being drive by tourists. Drop down out of the sky, take come flash photography, then bust off to Risa for some partying.

Now playing

"One question is why on earth you elected to name this contraption of yours, the Giant Death Ra... oh, I see."

@lucasway89: Texas got covered in about 3in of ice from storms. To stop huge unplanned blackouts they're having planned rolling blackouts.

@ima747: If we're talking Real World Performance I think it's only fair that we factor in iTunes dismal performance into the iPhone's drawbacks since it's required by the phone. Android just backs up to the cloud.

@BWilde: Speaking of Mom and Pop, the only thing my parents can easily find online are viruses. When their furnace broke down in the winter it was the yellow pages that got them a local repair man. A repair man that DOESN'T have an online presence.

If Dancing with the Stars was like this I would watch.

I'm loving this "What we use" series, and I think me and Jason are living parallel lives halfway across the nation. I liked Windows Mobile when I had it but getting an Incredible was one of the best things I ever did.

@Schalliol: So what they're basically saying is we don't want to get to know you personally but we do want to win the office popularity contest by having you join our personal fan club.

@WestwoodDenizen: But the weekly self promotion is starting to grate.

@mschex: Yeah, I think a real chef is much less interested in how stylish their knife is.

@Craniumz: Nope, the original network was created in the ivory towers of academia by hippie liberal elitists; funded by the taxes that groups like the Tea Party don't see any value in paying.

@abeeee: Backbone of the internet apparently. Suck it Denver!!!!

When you empty your shredder only empty half of it at a time.

@GitEmSteveDave: Ah. Either way I always fear that somehow somebody will end up doing a flying kick into me and turning me into a human colander.

Cleats like that are great for ice climbing but may be a bit extreme for general slippery conditions.

You're either old or you have a real tech job where command line access is a regular part of your day.