
@Whitson Gordon: I'm not sure if I'd trust a site that claims that they're not transcoding, the ones with claims like We're just removing the bits that don't need to be there.

@Odin: The thing that amazed me most in Japan was the handrails on the escalators went the same speed as the stairs.

Early in the year, when the first big snow comes down try to find an abandoned parking lot and practice driving in uncontrolled situations to be prepared (church parking lots are usually empty 6 days of the week).

@SDreamer: I don't know about 1 version to rule them all but I do agree that they should get them all running under similar code (similar enough that it's cake to migrate programs across versions).

@BrtStlnd: LOL! I'm exactly the same way.

@CubemonkeyNYC: I'm the same way. I used to run 3-4 miles each night out in the 20F degree weather.

@hostile-17: It's not just symbolic changeovers, there's also the binge eating at the end of the year and the guilt afterwards.

@BrtStlnd: It's not just the old 45 year old guys either. There's also the groups of 19 year olds who stand at the machine like they're at the bar, scoping out women and texting on their phones.

People don't realized it but during the day the falls only operate at 50% of their natural flow. At night when the tourists leave the flow drops to 25%, all the rest is diverted to hydroelectric plants to power New York. They only send that much over because they're required to for tourist dollars.

Replacing Flash with Quicktime is like replacing a headache with a hole in the head.

Just get a Kensington LiquidAux kit. Then your phone will automatically connect through bluetooth when you start the engine. And you have a car charger built in if you're going to be driving for a while.

@MegaShark: It is if the website you click on is rich powerful bank.

@Kwinten: They do in the Brave New World he imagines.

It might be worth pointing out that these DDoS attacks only effect the website and that you can still make purchases with an existing card while they're down. But if you want to shop online for a new card you're out of luck.

@Kocrachon: Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

@MayorBloomberg: Ask any systems administrator how pissed off the CEO gets when the company's main website goes down for more than 5 minutes. I'm guessing when the two largest of the world's 4 main credit card companies go down for half a day the top brass takes notice.

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I'm all over that cane! Any fan of News Radio why.

@FriedPeeps: I thought that they revealed in an interview that the trick is that "reality" itself is a layer run by another person. Cobb came out of limbo at the end to what is his reality and the top falls; but he was in another layer all along.

It's not PC but in today's mobile age...

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