
Those Antivirus hijackers are getting really bad recently.

Just another COINCIDENCE, oil rigs are 100% safe. There's no reason to let Obama shut down drilling to run safety checks. And we should open up more offshore coast-land to drilling.

They put it on display at a product expo but it can't be photographed?

@IN THE FACE!: Another vote for aCar, it's great for calculating your MPG over time so when you se a 10-20% decrease in mileage you can diagnose what's going wrong before it becomes and expensive repair.

@DaftIngenuity: Exactly, whey can't we start to merge social networks instead of having 5 different places to checkin and see what's up?

More plastics and heavy metals e-waste for the landfills?

Rainicorn Pilot

@DangerousDac175: There's still money in the budget and the program can still be reactivated.

Now playing

To each their own; and it's interesting how people's aesthetic preferences reflect in their electronics.

Not really news. When they announced the bumper as a replacement they said they'd only do it till the end of September. Am I the only one that assumed that was because that's when the official fix will finally hit shelves?

@Grive: Actually I think you're missing the point. I'll simplify.

I don't get why people get so worked up about privacy anyway. If you really want privacy, turn off the phone or leave it at home. Instead of blaming others, have the self control to take a break from technology for a while.

@Drummertist v.2: I've used both and for serious work I still go mechanical.

@jepzilla: I couldn't agree more on the whole Rainmeter desktop thing.

I ran my music through BPM calculator and wrote it to the tags and it corrupted all my tag data on my music. Luckily I had a full backup.

@FiskFisk33: I'm not so sure. I've got alot of friends who distance themselves further and further from their wives and CHILDREN to escape to a virtual world (be it WoW or 2nd life, etc). I'm thinking some people don't want actual interaction with human beings.

@theamazingpete: It's Gizmodo posting about Microsoft, take a wild guess.

@McMike: I think most women still appreciate those methods.

@Wipeout: So it must have been somebody close to you that they could cross reference your online name with your real name AND know your address. That must narrow the suspects quite a bit, especially since alot of them may have been at the wedding with you.

I love sharing my location on latitude.