
@switchblade saints: Whatever, once you actually use a sense phone you'll see why nobody ever goes back.

I can never trust these ads because the TV image is always photoshopped into them.

I've got 8GB of RAM, hyperthreaded quad core, and a EVGA 9800 GTX, I might as well make use of it.

@♫ Realityism ♪♫: I agree, I'm thinking it slides back the other way to reveal the keyboard.

@NaraVara: I got a nice pair of Sennheisers about the same price and I totally agree; they're an awesome brand for good audio and reasonable prices.

@koldkalamity: I avoid bottled teas for the same reason.

Windows 95 was a revelation when it came out, that was the turning point where ordinary people started using PCs in large numbers.

#1 most useful thing - A spare pen or three. Plus note pad as well.

It needs to sync lists with Remember the Milk (or Outlook).

Now playing

So I guess I'm the only one here who wants to try it out?

@moonshadowkati: I wonder if these are all the staged shots for publicity purposes.


About the same as last year except the phone upgraded to a Droid Incredible.

Along with snow removal a city covering dome would also remove the joys of feeling the fresh falling summer rain on your face, and the feel of a gentle spring breeze.

They quizzed kids with this list at the local University here and found it wildly inaccurate.

A case like this would make sense for the Dell Streak or any other phones that are awkwardly large to hold to the side of your head.

@infmom: I think only Pioneer has the naked people on it. Voyager has instructions to use the record.

@techguy78: They're pigeons, who cares? And obviously they have the reproductive capability to refill their ranks if they lose one or two while being relocated.