
If this is a promo photo, how come it already looks dirty and moldy? Was that a standard feature?

That Isetta pickup is amazing.

You can fit all the people you want. You can even fit an Elio inside an Elio.

The best thing about this car is that it seems you can actually see out its windows.


I’m sorry. The new Supra looks like it’s made of balloons. Proportions are all off, and it doesn’t have a single graceful line.

They’re officially MINI-fied. Everything is a modification of their original design (Model S). Boring.

So Tesla is officially MINI-fied. Every car is a shortened, elongated, squished, stretched, widened, or narrowed version of the Model S.

In my experience (I had a 2005 T5 AWD), parts were not _that_ expensive. The real biggie is the goddamned VIDA stuff.

Storm chase in a mostly stock smart fortwo while wearing see through clothes.

I liked cab-forward.

That car is so fucking graceful. Holy shit. It has Ferrari Lusso levels of beauty.

At least in pictures it looks stodgy, fat, and ill-proportioned. I’ll reserve any more judgment until I see it in the metal.

Elements are awesome little cars.

We don’t get any of this because it gets lambasted by the press every single time, Jalopnik included. “Give us a simple car!” “Here ya go, simple and cheap car!” “What the fuck, this car is too simple and cheap! We need luxury and powerrrrr!!!1!”

They have weird, unsolved lines, especially in the front fender area. Odd angles that don’t really resolve, they look like a hodgepodge of car parts.

Those Nissan trucks look like someone described a Ford F150 using emojis.

How is the Tata Sumo all straight lines, yet not a single line is straight (or symmetrical, for that matter)?

$500? Crack pipe. Sorry. :(

Between this and the new Supra, I dunno what gets more hype every fucking month.