Josh G

Even being aware and interested I still didn’t take it as a joke... tooo serious i guess lol

These are wing cars, go to your local slot car track and try them out its fun. You won’t be this fast and you may break cars but they are awesome.

Why would it be FWD? The LM is a race car intended to compete and win. I think the GTR’s intention is to sell units and I am also pretty sure a fwd gtr won’t sell units.

Now playing

If were going to play Minaj why bother with the payola song? Something tells me this isn’t the teeny bopper crowd up in here. You do not feel like badass to the above song while driving, its impossible.

I know its the morning, but I’m sticking by this prophecy.

I keep waiting to hear ‘In a world’.

This is a pump and dump comment. So prepare to bail on those stars.

Its Jurassic Park powered by robotic dinosaurs with ai which worship only him. He’s moving there to live with his children, and he left us this gloss box to remember him by.

That 7th movie was a real stretch. Actions string connected to action string by nothing resembling a believe story. Yes I know the were all like that... were they? Take notice of this last ones logic. They, meaning the crew, is hired by the government to steal a super Prism like technology to track a bad guy and kill

Floyd Mayweather likes things, cars are things which other people recognize and value, he bought lots of those things in the most expensive and recognizable variety.

I feel like the middle of the car doesn’t look like its part of the front or rear. It’s confused. Is anyone else experiencing this same nuanced criticism?

Ya I googled Female Sexual Privilege in the event it was a ‘real’ term, mra were the only real links which is sad because it does seem an interesting area of study. Anyone know any academics focused on this?

All this cross eye is missing the German take.

Beautiful ride.

Was SRT4 viable if Neon didn’t exist, doubtful.... 25k sold in ? who gives a shit years?

also... p/w ratio comparisons on fwd v rwd are a little bunk, ones compact, and lightweight, the other is strewn about the chassis packaged separately. Also consider the BRZ/FRS are standing solo in their lineups as serious sports

The LSD shouldn’t be scoffed at if its not offered elsewhere. In fact if its not then it may be the only one i’m interested in.


Did Lexus ever sell all those LFA's or are they using TMG tours during oil changes as a perc these days?

Darren, has a chassis that seems like a good fit for producing an enthusiasts version for those early adopters sitting on a cool mil. What kind of fancy rear axle control is required to mimic a closer to square handling car?