
Say what you will, but the Strokes were an amazingly tight live band.

This show has awful characters. Glad to see that we might stop grading it on a curve.

Only if you over-privilege lead guitar. Paul McCartney was one of the very best bassists in the 60s. George's guitar is only particularly great when you compare it to John Lennon's.

It's obvious to everyone else that this show isn't going anywhere, right? The central premise isn't ever going to have any real resolution.

Karl, we're trying to build a classless society, but YOU get all the credit. (laugh track)

Duh, if you want to keep people in your cult, you don't give them phones or the internet. Also if you're doing local community-organizing, the internet is less useful than face to face interaction.

…. what kind of salute?

None of these movies are half as good as The Legend Of Bo Diddley.

Maybe, did you grow up in Athens?

The Orson Lannister story is the writers of the show critiquing their own work and by extension, Martin.

Man, I am just dropping all kinds of nerd here today but:

I'm sorry, I'm going to have to interrupt this. Stop right this instant.

Magnets are easier to understand than the interaction between Humility and Opalescence.

A friend of mine would regularly convince people at parties that he was Craig of Craigslist.

It's way too late for someone to read this but (pushes up glasses): Krynn had 3 moons. Nuitari, the moon of evil magic was black and couldn't be seen by those who did not use its power for their dark arts. I didn't lose my virginity until I was 20.

South Park often acts as an apology for some pretty anti-progressive views.

Nah, get a cute kid and it makes itself. Have the main character talk to the camera every once in a while. Or, smarter, have him writing the screenplay of the movie during the movie. Cute kid, po-mo, early-90s California. Why hasn't this been made?

"Say expelliarmus again."

He's a bit obnoxious as a public personality. But I thought Velocity was a really good book. Stuck with me.

I wish to god the show would just run in its own direction. Good TV needs to have a bunch of characters in the same place at the same time. It's going to be much harder to keep a good thing going when the King's Landing Gang has broken up.