
Good. Did you get the new Erin Tobey last year? Also watch out for Madeline's new act out of Atlanta "Flamingo Shadow"

I almost certainly know you in real life.

Do the Vaporwave kids know about ReBoot?

"I Love You Phillip Morris" has its charms.

Did he hook up with a young lady? He kind of has a reputation.

I think any history of the twee / lo-fi 80s & 90s stuff has to include the influence of Maureen Tucker, both her few songs that were released as The Velvet Underground, and her later work.

I mean, they always loved Outkast and their very first review ever was Beck. They've never been quite as anti-main stream as people say.

Obama and Jarrett are going to fuck her for pulling that one. Expect Biden to enter the race now.

unfiltered cigarettes, vodka, and Russian men

Brazil is a diverse place.

There's that album that mashes up all the different Beatles' solo careers to make a kinda dance-y "lost album." I forget what it's called.

Yes, it makes you think about the Grey Album, Neutral Bling Hotel, and every Girl Talk record, and then disagree with this post.

Athens was always a PBR town, it never went away here. We're pretty sure that we're accidentally responsible for it becoming hip again in the very late 90s.

Athens, GA went apeshit when we got distribution for Yuengling.

This is a problem with American media in general. The path to becoming a successful journalist is full of roadblocks that frequently require money to overcome. You need a degree from a top-tier school, that usually takes money. You need to work for free or for very little money for a few years, that usually takes

Jenner may be insulated from the New York Times / Huffpo lefty elite, but radical queer activists on the ground can't stand her brand of bullshit and are very vocal about it.

So Breaking Bad pilot, more or less?

The roughly 2-CDs worth of "unreleased" Neutral Milk Hotel recordings that almost immediately appeared on Napster were very significant in the early aughts.

Who cares? Smart stuff is never as popular as dumb stuff. My buddy owns a restaurant. Is it as successful as Olive Garden? No. But it's good.

The great Beck song "One Foot In the Grave" is not on the also great Beck album "One Foot In The Grave"