
"photobomb" is a perfectly plausible Bingo

By this logic "unboyfriendable" and "prowesslessnesslessness" should be in.

Nobody's using it? What a Duketastrophy.

Lesbian request denied.

Lots of broadway singers and nightclub singers had really big hits. St. Louis Blues went number 1 a bunch of times, and it was almost always with female singers.

Honestly, if you haven't read it, read Genesis. It's a lot like 100 Years of Solitude.

In the early 30s this map would easily have been half female.

Are you though?

I think it only works on Macs.

And what about apostate states that listen to Eminem? I mean, really, there are enough people listening to Eminem in 2014 that he's the number 1 act in entire states?

There's a fair amount of IT…

It was.

No child on earth doesn't say "Legos." Descriptive not proscriptive linguistics man.

A cheap lego sequel? So like The Megabloks Movie?

It's also a currency and therefor has actual utility, unlike stock. But it probably isn't going to be worth $600 a coin in the long run.

Neutral Milk Hotel spent time in Denver. They're famous as an Athens, GA band, but they're actually from the ass-middle-of-nowhere town Ruston, Louisiana.

Cheese is filling, and if consumed sparingly, nutritious.

If we're just straight up going by the city that contained the hospital the artist was born in, then DC should be in there for Duke Ellington. And yes, I live in my own private, better, reality where Ellington remains a top-250 artist.

I would think a musician from Arkansas would just tell people they were from Louisiana or Tennessee. I've kinda always figured Johnny Cash was from Tennessee without really looking into it.

The fact that Alan Jackson is beating James Brown, Outkast, R.E.M., and Ray Charles for Georgia is an outrage.