
They also had these kinda cool taller figures for the Technic sets in the 1980s.

And you're an asshole. I've read extensively on 60s politics. The position of being in favor of fundamental and deep left-wing change, but being opposed to people who were rioting and chanting "Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh" was widely-held. I definitely think that the 60s could have gone further than they did, and were it not

Is your favorite band Rage Against The Machine? Who cares what their politics were. Quite a lot of the best bands of all time never took a stance on anything.

A lot of 60s radicalism was full-on Maoism / Marxism, skepticism of the movement was warranted.

"Trent Reznor has a good reason to be pissed" is one of those comments that works on anything.

So, I didn't just make it up that they pretty well said there'd be a gun battle next week, right? I'm watching on HBO Go to avoid the "next week ons"

Yeah, but those guys do actually look like that. Every hokey money evangelist has an Elvis thing. Every single one of them.

It would have ruined it if they'd been shouting above background noise though.

The only upside to a Magic habit is that Magic cards from the 90s have kept their value a lot better than other collectibles.

That's what the en-Kor creatures were for.

Weatherlight saga or I'm not showing up.

Much like the Wire, now that Treme is going off the air, people will get into it. The AV Club wasn't even reviewing Wire episodes until season 5.

Listen to them in the car. Stoned. You'll get it.

Ram is so out of it's time. It's more like 90s psychedelia than 60s psychedelia, like a prehistoric Olivia Tremor Control record.

Walter is pretty par for the course for a high school chemistry teacher.  And Hank seems like a pretty average federal cop — half smart, half dumb.  But the Albuquerque PD are goddamn idiots.

LSD is a pretty damn tough synthesis.  Any kid with just an AP Chem background who can pull it off earns my respect.

The guy who gets a death sentence in the first episode dies.

So… do y'all have a lot fewer writers now?

Scene: 1987, after retiring from a minor Los Angeles advertising agency, Don Draper tires of his empty house and decides to settle in a Miami retirement community.  The new environment returns some of his spirit, and he's soon with a new lover.  A sophisticated woman.  A passionate woman.  A Southern woman.  One Ms.

Comedy's Jeff Mangum