
I kinda doubt we'll see Peppermint Butler cause anything to boil over. For all his freaky occult connections, he actually seems to be pretty careful and well aware of his limits.

I love Graham Falk episodes: they always have a cute, doodle-y sensibility and lots of clever nonverbal humor. There were a lot of silly, escalating sequences in this episode told without words, from the part where the penguins set up the party or the long stream of pictures of Gunther throughout history. Even though

*walks through bedroom wall*

Marcy/LSP has been the best new character dynamic of the past season, IMO. (Not that that's especially hard, with AT moving away a little from character interaction/dynamics.)

Well, a lot of people say the show needs more stakes. You want stakes? You got stakes.

She's homeless. She's insane and completely unable to relate to other people, but she's scrappy enough to run away from home and survive on her own for a few years. That's honestly kind of impressive.

Y'know, I'm not sure how much you can say the staff are "trolling" the fans, but I'm not sure how else to read Marcy's first appearance in fifteen episodes involving picking insects out of her belly button.

I have never empathized with LSP more than at those moments.

3 is definitely the best except for the part where it inexplicably turns into a ROMhack in the middle. My second favorite is probably 5.

No, but there's a consolation prize if you're caught up: there's a new episode airing every day this week.

The nerd in me wants that entire episode to be an Ecco reference. It'd totally fit with the show's ethos.

I keep coming back to the end with Magic Man. There's such a weird, uncomfortable sense of vacancy to him there. If that's the last we see of his character that is honestly the show's saddest exit for me.

I sorta imagined that if Moynihan got a series it'd be like the TV equivalent of the 90s grunge boom, where in the aftermath of Nirvana you'd have out-there bands like Melvins and Boredoms just magically getting major label deals out of nowhere.

What do you think Moynihan will wind up doing after Adventure Time? He seems like the sort of guy who'd never artistically flourish anywhere else on TV the way he has on AT. I know he's pitched Manly, but it doesn't seem like it's been picked up.

Anyone notice that Finn turned into challah? Moynihan never lets up with the biblical stuff.

Lotta weird and offhandedly poignant imagery in this episode: the wastebasket summoned by Magic Man's wish, the manticore with Stockholm Syndrome, and Magic Man left sitting at the end with an empty mind and wearing the helmet of his dead brother.

I'm mystified. They aired 28 episodes of Steven Universe last year, and the way the schedule is headed, we've gotten 27 episodes so far this year in under six months. I know the production schedule has been changed, but that is insane.

I liked "Box Prince" the first time around, and regardless of how it hit you I'd be surprised by anyone who liked it less than "Chips & Ice Cream".

Eh, I was watching some stuff from S1 and S2. It's not that far off from that, tone- and humor-wise, it just happens to be completely disconnected from what it's doing now and dropped into the schedule arbitrarily.

I thought the name was because she decided to partner up with her mother, instead.