Four Ps and one B. What don't you understand?
Four Ps and one B. What don't you understand?
Fuck this show. I'll be at Señor Tadpole's having a margarita made in my mouth.
You, my friend, are what makes this country great.
"Fuck you for doing that thing I did until a couple of minutes ago."
Aw man, remember when Paris tried to seduce Madea, and she hit him over the head with a rolling pin?
Retaliate against the audience . . . with extreme prejudice.
Lack of Marlon Wayans . . . with extreme prejudice.
You could turn your brain off and be entertained . . . with extreme prejudice.
Argh. I really wanted to play the BG&E HD re-release (never played the original), but when I tried the demo, it appeared that I could not invert the Y-axis without also inverting the X-axis. Since I only play with Y-axis inverted, it made the game virtually unplayable for me. I know, I know. CS, B. But it's really…