
The story is cliche and corny. The load out setup is boring, the weapon selection is less diverse, yes the shader thing is annoying but there are also more fundamental issues. But Yay for “story” and making it easier, simpler and idiot proof for the masses.

Agreed, Ryder (at least my male playthrough) felt way more Han Solo/Firefly like, way more believable and or humorous where needed.

So, the evil skeletal fire-breathing ninja endorses Hillary? Makes sense.

Is there a kitesurfing/snowboarding nexus?

Queue the fanfare!

Wide deceiver???

Sounds like my ex wife!!!

A medal rack, Katie? Bryce doesn’t even own A medal, let alone many medals that would necessitate an entire rack. What is Bryce gonna do with a medal rack?

Are you implying that he needs to ‘act blacker’ in order to be Armed & Dangeruss?

With that kind of attitude from Rio’s mayor, I doubt that Australia, the UK, or New Zealand will share their common wealth with him.

As far as Calvins on Sunday, he is only second to Hobbes for bringing a paper tiger to life.

Haha np, and yeah, I actually didn't sleep that much when we were seriously raiding. Probably not the best idea, and I wouldn't recommend it to others, but I made it work.

Reliquary was tough, especially as a rogue since we were responsible for kick interrupts on the nasty spell, but if we messed up and interrupted the self buff the casters would yell at us. Oh, and the casting time was 1.5 seconds, so yeah. Reflexes. Once we got it down it wasn't too bad though.

Meanwhile, priest rolls face across keyboard, every key is bound to Decursive, gets loot

When we took down Illidan it was pretty great - we’d been pushing pretty hard to get to that point, and the fight finally came together for everyone.

I’m a Jets fan. I’m already there.

This is what entourages and sycophants do.

At least the fans’ wrist shots were more accurate than the Flyers were.

They won’t, though, because he plays for Chicago and the NHL adores them.

when reached for comment, Borring’s estranged wife said, “Keller does things my ex wouldn’t, like eat my ass and let the kids watch.”

Exactly. If you REALLY want to do something about the person you’re “protesting” against, try VOTING and getting your friends to vote. It will do more than acting like a hooligan at a political rally.