Honestly, this is the best comment I could hope to get for this piece.
Honestly, this is the best comment I could hope to get for this piece.
Alien day being on 4/26 is goddamn stupid. It should fall on the 426th day of the year, dummies.
This is what doing a good job looks like. Be like this guy. Don’t be like Tom.
I’m a professional translator and one of the things you do out of ethics is warn a customer when they’re about to do something massively offensive out of a lack of knowledge of the target country and try to help them find another solution. These guys could have desperately used that kind of help.
You kind of have a shit sense of humor. Not only are you changing the original meaning and intention for a stupid joke, but you’re making a big deal about it as if you’re the righteous one, fuck off.
You picked a hill to die on and everyone is wondering why you flopped down on a molehill.
So not only did the wordplay not localize, the developer themselves backed entirely away from the gag when the first part of the conversation was tabled.
....you do not demonstrate commitment to principles. You demonstrate commitment to your own self importance and being an asshole, and worse: being loud about it. I…
This isn’t censorship, this is one guy trying to defend a bad joke that has no basis in the original text. It even says outright that the original name is a pun on light switches. What in the hell do light switches have to do with a radicalized Christian terrorist group?
I find your lack of faith tolerance disturbing.
No thanks Trump. Truth over bullshit all day, everyday!
What’s especially despicable about United is the fact that this latest jaw-dropping incident doesn’t seem out of the ordinary for the airline. It was just a couple of weeks ago that United refused to allow three young girls to board their flight, because they were wearing leggings. United didn’t apologize for that…
The legging incident is a non-story. If you are flying on a buddy pass, there is a clear dress code and those passengers did not meet it. If you are paying full price though like this doctor, the airline looks clearly in the wrong.
Oh piss off. This game is wonderful. Quit nitpicking and enjoy yourself for once.
Speed up is exactly what would happen because gravity was the driving force, if the motors and brakes failed.
Definitely looks like a brake or drive connection failure. Why there would even be maintenance on site at the time of the failure is odd. Or was it that maintenance staff afterwards were arrested for attempting to repair it before investigators could inspect.
Unlikely in this case as you can see it moving way faster than it should go which likely means the brakes failed or the drive train disconnected and the entire belt was driven by gravity.
well, you’re right, they aren’t the same thing. one takes skill in mechanical/electrical engineering, and the other takes... the ability to put on a shirt?
“Relax there kiddo”?? Seriously?
The only one who got remotely worked up, was the lame-o who wrote “lol that looks HORRIBLE.. really, crap”. You don’t have to be a cos-playing super nerd to recognize a bit of creative ingenuity once in a while there, Cpt. Killjoy.
Where is your working spidey eyes? Do you realize how hard it is to make practical effects like that to work? Get off your high horse, that is really impressive.