
The first concern should be is there a reasonable alternative route available

No, it's more like saying your parking redundancy is the street if your garage burns down.

Um, there are many work dogs that are under 50 lbs that are bigger than cats.

You should probably watch it. I'm all for standing up to abuses of authority, but I'm just not sure this situation merited this sort of interaction. I don't necessarily agree with the checkpoint itself, but this guy accomplished almost nothing.

Yup. Even in the video, it looks like the ones catching serious air are going way too fast for a place they've decided needs a speed bump.

As a Jersey City resident, these aren't that bad. People are just assholes and drive way too fast. And you can see them, since they are new pavement while the rest of the roads are grey and need repaving.

Cats suck.

Virgin? Woodside? Where to start?

Because I'm closely related to a former VP of Coke. It's a personal thing.

Flawed logic you have. If you commit a crime you should not get away with it. I can see you now defending anyone based on this 'logic' of yours.

Or this is what happens when kids are raised in a self entitled society.

Interfering with police business? On video no less. These kids are fucked.

kid was too small, for sure for front seat. however, don't most modern cars shut off the passenger airbag if the front seat doesn't register enough weight? I know my cars do.

Always liked this one.

I like this one too

this is funnier.

"fuck it they're real"

You are the exact reason why we need herd immunity. It's understandable when there's a legitimate reason to not vaccinate. But when it's because Jenny McCarthy told you not to, then you need to shut up.