
I’m not with YouTube Red, and they aren’t forcing me to do anything. I’m fine. I still have my channel . I still have my 1000+ subscribers, for a channel that basically only has videos from various conventions I goto. I have over a million views for all of my videos.

They didn’t cut off access. once that content

actually do the counter notification 9 times out of 10, they won’t take you to court. your obvious use is under fair use (commentary)

Where there is slight confusion:

1) There is Content ID matches or Matched 3rd party content - these are DMCA claims but they do not result in a take down of a persons video. What can happen is that the video in question can actually have their monetization options changed from the person who uploaded the video to the

What I want to see is a CRACKDOWN of companies who claim DMCA/MOnetization of content, who are not the rightful copyright owners.

Otherwise, they need to provide full contact details as to who they are, the person in charge (email, phone number, business address), and a list of “companies” or the “copyrights” they are

Yet as someone that DMCA claims? What at the risks or downsides?

Actually, this was an issue with Content Creators not accpeting the new Policies under their monetizaion section of their channel. Once they agreed, their content could be better controlled and they could determine where their content could be seen. Most who agreed, had their videos returned to ‘viewable world wide”.

Thank you. Many do not understand or seem to understand that Fair Use is only an US/American issue. Fair Use doesn’t exist outside of the US.

Something alone the lines of - the person who takes responsibility of the Notice should include full contact information.

Same points I made on a previous article about YouTube Red. I use adblock but have it disabled for YouTube because as a YouTuber that also monetizes, AdBlock hurts me, so I know it hurts others. And when you are not as big as these youTube celebs, any earnings you get from your videos is actually like getting $$$ as a

and have you stopped to consider that maybe in some instances that having such a gap can save you from additional damage.

I saw an accident involving a Ford Taurus and a Honda CRX. The Ford Taurus barreled into the back of the CRX. completely destroying the front end of the Taurus. Despite the Taurus hitting the CRX at

For all thoese poo-pooing the driver in the video, did you all stop to consider that maybe the Suzuki SUV in front of him had stopped short of the stop line, then moved forward while the light was still red, and created the large gap you see?

I do see this often. I’ll be driving along and the car in the next lane over

“Case 1: “The 5:20 p.m. crash on March 15 killed Susan Hufford, 53, and her mother-in-law Sharon Hufford, 74, both of Santa Rosa. The women were sitting in the back seat of the Camry that had slowed for traffic near Farmers Lane.” They didn’t die because they were pushed into another car, they died because a lifted

“If she was hit that hard a car length wasn’t going to make a lick of difference.’
So you are a physics expert now? How do you know? Present your math. Make sure you take into account, vehicle size, weight ,speed, road conditions. wear and tear on the tires, and human judgement.

Yeah, she hit another car, and that sen the SUV into the oncoming traffic, where another car hit the SUV and killed the driver.

Exactly. its not the car’s fault. people need to stop criticinzing the driver of the car (so what if he left 2 or 4 car lengths). the truck was 100% in the wrong, and by the looks of it, was attempting to flee the scene of an accident.

Tell that to the woman who died when she was rear ended by a drunk driver, and forced in to the car in front of her, which happened to kill her.

Or is it too hard to have “Choose: a (choice) b (choice) c (choice)“

cool idea, but if the platform doesn’t allow you to convey your message thoroughly or clearly, then its obviously not a platform to make a game on.

I get it that it’s novel, and no one has done it to the level of this execution, but there are still the

Ah I see now. Okay, not a good execution. having just a. (twitter account) b. (twitter account) with no text as to what they mean , it just looks like mentions, not actual choices.

And? I dont see anything happening

Must be me, but I dont see any game . I click on the image, and its only a bouncing duck