
I would've waited for peace walker to come out for this....just saying.

@Cptn.Rhodes: I just ordered that from eBay days before seeing this article.

@truthtellah: well it would have to be since hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian... is the love of long words.

@hottersoup: No idea. I just seen it in a bin (didn't see a price but figured it couldn't be too much) so i bought it. It was the same time people were paying extra for it on ebay because of the exploit with it.

@Nigra: too many bad memories of the original ps3 ad campaign?

@Acemonster: a lot can happen in an hour and 7 minutes lol

I voted G2 since i want to wait for a Desire Z

@A.Jaswal: go one more km; it has to be over 9000 for the smell to dissipate :)

@JakeMG: Waxing Pedantic: The baby survived. I remember seeing it on the news. I can't remember if there were any injuries from the fall but if there was they weren't life threatening. The baby was between the tracks and small enough to fit under the train amazingly.

16 million different colours and in my room it always calibrates to pink...oh well :)

Any chance of a Desire Zed? As in a Canadian release anytime soon? I've got an iPhone 3GS with Telus and wouldn't mind upgrading. :D

Came to this article solely for the dragonball jokes.

@hawkeye18: exact thing that came to my mind

Timelord technology

@Ryan Meehan: I understood it to mean that they phase out the physical copies entirely and that those years without the physical copies will be rough.