
Hahahahaha what is impossible? Pregnancy? Fucking pregnancy? Do you have any idea how ridiculously easy it is for a fertile woman to get pregnant? That is why we have birth control, and sometimes, women get pregnant even ON birth control. Stop pretending fertilization is some special miracle, fuckface, because it’s

A fertilized egg is not at all rare or an amazing thing that happens by chance. It literally happens all the time, very easily for most women of child-bearing age. Women have miscarriages (called spontaneous abortions) all the time, at such early stages that they don’t even know about it, and it just seems like a

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: An unwanted pregnancy no matter the reason is use of a person’s body without their consent, i.e. a gross violation of their bodily autonomy. It doesn’t matter whether the fetus is old enough for this to suck for the fetus, but if you can’t exist without violating someone’s

Sounds like you pooped your brain. No one gives a fuck if you believe in abortion. If you don't believe in it, don't have one. Otherwise, it's none of your fucking business. You believe in science? Try believing in grammar, fuck stick.

Who the fuck would even write/say, “I SUPPORT FETUS DISMEMBERMENT!” WTF?

“...among its provisions, would have required women to either bury or cremate fetuses after they had been terminated.”

I’m happy to hear this.

I was unemployed for about a year after college and I had no health care or money. I have PCOS and a plethora of other unpleasant female health issues, and was in desperate need of Birth Control to help manage everything- I was in so much pain I could barely get out of bed- It was so bad I woke

I have heard women literally say ‘friend zoned’ about guys they had no interest in dating...but I agree with your point. Guys put themselves in the friend zone willingly in just about every case because they refuse to believe there is no chance. That stubborn, pathetic determination to hold on to an impossibility is

Yeah, I’m not responding to the OP. I’m specifically responding to your comment, “Anytime I have heard a woman describe a guy as a “genuinely nice guy” that guy has proceeded to remain in the friend-zone for the remainder of their relationship with that girl.” where you imply that women aren’t allowed to “friendzone”

I promise you it is entirely possible to both be a nice person that treats others with respect, while at the same time being able to assert yourself and command the respect of others. I promise.

I don’t know about him, but I’m absolutely saying you shouldn’t use that commonly understood word. It’s toxic and anti-woman and makes you sound like a manbaby.

I’m saying that it would be rad if a certain subset of the male part of the species would stop acting as if being someone’s friend was some sort of burden to be born in hopes of a pity fuck. The phrase is just sort of a normalization of that is all.

Can we knock it off with this “friend zone” crap? If you want to date someone and they don’t want to date you and you don’t want to be their friend then bounce. If you DO want to be their friend then awesome. Friends are rad! Knock off the dating creeper attempts and move on with your life. Women don’t “put” men into

Be a genuinely nice person, and also don’t be a p*ssy (or whatever non sexist term is good here). That’s how women are attracted to you.

I have taken to explaining our personal circumstances fully to everyone that asks how many children I have or how old my non-existent children are, all assuming that because I am in my 40s I must have kids. I’m finding that explaining our fertility issues makes them uncomfortable really quickly and hopefully that will

“Studies have shown” that inconsistent parenting is more damaging to the developing psyche than all out negativity. The inability to predict the caregiver’s behaviour is very destructive.


Now playing

You’re doing great. You don’t need to tell me this, but it is okay to cut toxic people out of your life. The hard part is all the guilt and shame that goes along with that, in those super awkward moments when someone asks you about your family.