
The Brees example is bad. Completely different situation. Also it’s the BILLIONS that Nike is paying him, fwiw.

You won’t believe #14!!!!!

Your joke is bad and you should feel bad.

In the end, there proved to be a lot of chaos to Rex’s D. There just wasn’t much that was organized. And it wore on players.

Looks to me like he just forgot to put the /s at the end of the statement

“...had the potential to be “an educational tool” if used properly.”

Look, here is Rodger’s career playoff line: 64% completion, 31 TDs, 8 Ints and 100.8 rating. Holy shit, I’ll take that over any QB. Let’s look at the other QBs that have won 4 SBs; Brady (63%, 56 TDs, 28 INTs, 88 Rating), Montana (63%, 45 TDs, 21 Ints, 95.6 Rating), Bradshaw (57%, 30 TDs, 26 INTs, 83 Rating). Not

2. The Affordable Care Act is going away. Republicans will probably repeal it, because conservatives hate Obamacare. They like the ability to carry their kids on their insurance until they’re 26. They love the fact that they can’t be turned away for pre-existing conditions. They appreciate having their insurance cover

17. No one will know anything. Have you ever been at a business and wondered how the person got the job? It will be like that everywhere now.

Remember, transparency is good as long as it’s only exposing your opponents secrets!

“You know, nobody really NEEDS deodorant.”

...Lady Gaga will be doing the Super Bowl Halftime show alone.

Yes, because local elections are just oozing with candidates from every party. Half of the seats in the towns around me are filled by the same person because there isn’t even anybody running against them.

If this guy doesn’t want to vote, fine. Give away his votes, never let him vote again. If he doesn’t want to use his vote, give it to someone who has the guts to decide for themselves on steroid era players.


Regardless of if the information is true, two things here will prevent me from giving this story any credibility.

Well if the US Justice system has taught us anything lately, it’s that we can’t “let one incident define you for the rest of your life”.

Impeaching Trump would not go down well with many Republican voters—though it would win them many new fans in the centrist media, probably—

How about emails?

Game long. League make short.