
This wouldn’t work if it were just one company promising things to the wealthy and neurotic, though. The investigation also found that—beyond getting test administrators at two locations (one in Houston, Texas and one in West Hollywood, California) to either let students cheat or, in some cases, correct answers after

“not being criminally charged, so we don’t need to work under the presumption of innocence”.

Dude. Watch the clip above. His head clearly gets hit first.

My favorite part about that was refusing to call it a concussion while the guy was laying on the ground knocked out cold. If that’s not a concussion, then what the fuck is?

How is it exactly that Kaepernick is entitled to a job in the NFL? His skill set aside, every single time a QB goes down everybody’s all “WILL THEY SIGN KAEP!?!?!” “WHY WON’T THIS TEAM SIGN KAEP?!?” Jesus it reads like friggin Buzzfeed bullshit. He’s definitely talented enough to play in the league, especially given

I like how people automatically assume that since Rodgers went down, Kaep is owed the job. What does that say about the team and the coaching staff if they abandon their players and go after Kaep? Like these people instantly assume they can just plug Kaep right in and he will dominate. Nevermind that he hasn’t played

I just don’t see how anybody could trust the NFL with this. Bottom line: unless it brings in money, the NFL and the owners aren’t interested. The Pink campaign for breast cancer? Great! Wear something pink or demonstrate in any other month besides breast cancer awareness month? That’s a fine. The military salutes and

Please, a trained seal could have won that 2013 World Series Title. You think the team played that way that year because of Farrell? Are you joking?

After he said he didn’t vote, that’s when a bunch of people I know changed their view about Kap. They saw the kneeling more as self promotion rather than standing up for a cause, however worthy that cause is. Like dude, you can’t vote? It’s insanely easy to go through the process to register and get an absentee

“But for all the charitable things Jordan has done, it’s never publicized much. It’s James, not Jordan, who has been synonymous with impoverished communities he’s personally committed to uplifting.”

Was Cormier the guy JJ was supposed to fight a while back but JJ got popped for a bad drug test? I remember seeing a video of Dana White telling a fighter about the test and how that fight was no more, and the guy just broke down. I don’t fault these guys for shedding a tear one bit, if something like your opponent

While Tyrion definitively didn’t have anything to do with Joffrey’s death, he still killed Tywin. Jamie was inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt about Joffrey (or at least not mark him guilty at first glance) he did say after Tywin’s death that if he ever saw Tyrion again he would cut him in two. While it’s a

If you haven’t seen them, then don’t go making wild accusations about these headlines that don’t exist. As far as the comments below by Tchop, they’re absolutely right, it’s not hostility to call you out on your bullshit when you’re making up situations and posting about them.

Thank you. Finally somebody said it. Sure, what they’re doing might not be illegal- if they have the authority to do so. On whose authority were these tests conducted?

“We gotta do better supporting these major issues we face in this world.”

Get a fucking grip on reality here pal. “A girl lost his father” how about the families losing members that he killed in cold blood? Poor, poor Aaron, now his little girl is without a father! Newsflash, SHE WAS ALREADY WITHOUT A FATHER, he had fucking life in prison. How fucking dare you cry victim on his behalf.

They do. It’s just more profitable to do the exact opposite

YOU know, and I know, why Ray Rice isn’t playing for a team right now.

There must be tons of people who miss the proud franchise and perennial playoff contender that the Rams were. Oh Wait. Nobody gives a fuck, because the Rams suck, St Louis sucks, and your take sucks.

Maybe they should have awarded the Raptors a victory too, so nobody would be offended.