Ken Yadiggit

Shouting out to With Honors. Trashy good fun...and God, was Brendan Fraser hot back then.

Also over-policing communities of color and blocking attempts to legalize drugs like marijuana, to feed bodies into the prison-industrial economy of legalized slavery that has persisted since the 19th century.

Way to make abortion sound even cooler. 

If Elon didn’t come from wealth or have such a high net worth today, he’d be CA Pinkham - harassing women, spending all his free time online bullying people, being a racist, and plugging away at a job where everyone hates him.

Technically you have no evidence of your claim either. Guess we’ll never know if conservatives hate women...

See, I can appreciate the effort in that, but as a trans person, I sort of cringe at the idea of someone using my deadname/misgendering me at all, ever.

It should probably also be mentioned that Canada doesn’t have a track record of treating its indigenous people too well.

The pandemic brought out a lot of xenophobia and pettiness on both sides, not just Conservatives. There was also a broad anti-foreigner sentiment among people in favour of the measures, and were in favour of strict border closings and blaming foreigners for the virus, even in the face of growing caseloads that had

It sailed past baffling straight into infuriating.  This convoy enrages me.  AND they’re using the children as shields. So many of them brought their children, making it impossible for police to use any amount of reasonable force.

A lot of Americans are in that group of people waving nazi and confederate flags in Ottawa—this is an alarming case of mobilizing dangerous far-right groups, with a lot of international money and quite a bit of international presence and egging-on. There are people in the protest in Ottawa who worked for Trump, and

Agreed! People here really romanticize Canada, but most of the time, I don’t think they have any idea what they are talking about.

Give your passion on this subject, you’re probably insufferable on a litany of other subjects that would make any sensible person reconsider inviting you to their abode.

As a kid growing in Canada - and, quite frankly, as an adult living in Canada - I was always fascinated by the indoor shoe wearing on American TV shows. They’d wear them on their beds or the couch! I thought it was just a television convention but it actually happens in some households in real life?

“Fans have speculated the “crash” mentioned is referring to West’s 2002 near-fatal crash after the release of his album Blueprint

Ohhh they’re so different, though! I admit I’m a big fan of both. “The Wilds” completely took me by surprise last year-- I ended up rewatching it all the way through almost immediately. I’ll be excited (and ready!) to do the same for this one. But honestly, I can’t complain about the riches of angsty television being

Because when you’re playing Celebrity Fuck Marry Kill, the perpetually correct answer for Kill is Chris Pratt.

*laughs in Fallout fandom*
ahaha, you kids with your modern 60's music.

asking for trouble

They sound like a bunch of dirty, power hungry Gilmore Girls.