Ken W. Hanley

Clinton Road is not in the Pine Barrens; it's North Jersey, maybe 15 minutes from Action Park. It's a shitty road, people like to fuck with you if you drive through at night, and it's a notorious road for drunk drivers because it lets you cut through major highways.

To be fair, this article isn't entirely accurate. Opie has been doing his solo show since fall 2016; Jim Norton, the show's third host from the early 00s to 2016, remains at Sirius with former O&A staffer and occasional WWE contributor Sam Roberts for the Jim and Sam show.

This episode has my favorite moment of the season, which is Keith furiously complimenting Ruth in the ring. "HEY! YOU'RE DOING A ***GREAT*** JOB! DO YOU KNOW WHERE THIS IS GOING, BECAUSE I FUCKING DON'T?!"


I don't think the guys chanting knew what "over" meant in typical Wrasslin' lingo. The crowd was definitely bored and were unresponsive to his promo, video package, and match. The only pop he got was when he hit Samoa Joe with the Sister Abigail, and that's because Joe is faring as well on his main roster debut as

Storywise, I agree, but as someone who was at the show, it was a hell of a night. Matches were largely great; even the Main Event matches were on fire (Dana Brooke vs. Nia Jax was surprisingly a ton of fun, while Rich Swann put on a hell of a show with Ariya Daivari). Also, for the Cruiserweight event, the crowd was

I think the biggest problem with making Mahal the #1 contender is that he doesn't have anything amazing to give. He's a fine technical wrestler, and he's all veiny and whatnot, but name a single move he does. If they needed to introduce him creating a stable with the Bollywood Boys, they could have done it with much

"Good. Fuck 'em." - George Carlin's Ghost

Don't forget the bigger picture here: I'm looking for work!

Head-spin mechanics, explained:

For me, the most telling moment was the Dark Army asking about "the man and the woman." I feel that it's gotta be Mobley and Trenton, although if Trenton has been killed, it certainly wasn't in public. I also wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Robot is behind their deaths, as he's most likely behind the post-finale

There's literally nothing I want more right now than to get that song from The Pointer Brother's skit.


Loving the first episode, and I love that Travolta's Shapiro is basically Doctor Armond from KROLL SHOW.

Lambasted by the A.V. Club! What an honor!

For all the complaints about Season 3, just remember: Dority vs. The General.

Correction: The aforementioned "What are you, a Jew?" Line isn't from Koechner (who plays a gun-toting republican but is decidedly not racist) but rather the Aunt character, who is essentially the Gran Torino character of the film.

Really though the rating would be lower for this flick. Not only is it largely scare free, but substitutes in for awful CGI (mirror breaking scene is basically clip art), introduces ideas that haven't been done in other P.A.'s (**spoilers** acid spit? magic flute? demons that can impale? **end spoilers**), tons of

Always been a big Fessenden fan. He also popped up in THE STRAIN as the guy who tried to clean up the girl Bolivar killed. He's also been close with del Toro ever since del Toro courted him to remake THE ORPHANAGE.

The Kelly Rowland speech in FREDDY VS JASON has a really fascinating backstory as per NEVER SLEEP AGAIN. Apparently, it originally was a word-for-word repeat of Nancy's speech to Freddy in the original NOES (I take back every bit of fear I gave to you. I'm not scared of you, etc…) but directed towards Jason, and then