Ken We Bone

This was already decided in a previous thread by someone else: Bud Light Lime-a-rita

“We ran a candidate whom everyone hates...” is untrue, but I’ve decided that the Dems should choose their next candidate SOLELY on the basis of “is s/he likeable?” because that’s obviously the most important factor to voters. Someone needs to buy the domains and

I’ve been arguing all week with my friends who voted for President-Elect Cheeto, and all I have to say is this: If you tell me you “will not tolerate racism, hate, harassment or violence,” but you voted for Trump, then you really aren’t being true to your word.

Sorry Brody, they are exactly racist pacifiers. They had at least 3 other candidates they could have chosen and they went with the racist/misogynist one. And now acts of hate seem to be spiking across the nation. I have zero empathy fucks to give.

Here’s the thing though. Democrats did. I reposted this all over the place today, but it bears repeating.

Now now now, there’s no need to bring facts into a tired retread of the same old turnout-depressing bullshit.

She got more votes than he did.

It’s funny because she won the popular vote anyway.

It’s ridiculous that anyone believes that Bernie could have won when Drumpf’s campaign was using anti-semitic language and symbolism to attract these people. People need to stop looking for excuses and overlooking the obvious reason which is bigotry. White people had it good, thanks to Obama who pulled them back from

THANK YOU. Everyone keeps saying she lost because she wasn’t likeable and the dems should have picked bernie. This proves it was not a referendum on economics. It was a referendum on race and otherness. A jew would never have won if you just search “jews” on twitter. Vile shit.

Not calling out/ignoring racism is a proud white tradition, which is a huge reason why we’re here in the first place.

It’s like each rust belt person who lost their job now equals 2 million voters.

Okay, maybe I am just super cynical right now, but seeing how the evening turned out, I just don’t believe someone that could be branded as a socialist Jewish person by the opposition was going to carry the midwest states and rural areas Hillary couldn’t (and I’m saying that as a Jewish person). Edited: maybe he

Mainstream coverage of the election results have been extremely fucked off. Nobody is saying what is really happening.

I love when the Post publishes absolute gibberish. If the voters reject him, he is not a “hugely popular candidate.”

Stupid people, that’s who.

Who is giving 10% of their monthly income to a make believe sky fairy (tithe)? Are these people insane?

Dream on. I guess it’s just a coincidence that every president has been male. I’m not trying to convince you because I understand that deliberate obtuseness is not curable.