Ken We Bone

Yeah, if Fallout felt like Call of Duty, I would have no interest in playing it. And I’m not alone in that. That’s not what Fallout is supposed to be. Remember, you’re talking about a series that began as a fixed-view, isometric, third-person tactics game. Going for “Call of Duty: Post-Apocalypse” would have alienated

Some more hardcore RPGers could very legitimately using the same logic argue that making the game too much of an FPS is a ‘cop-out’ as well.

I tracked the dad down and asked him about it. Every day, he told me, the counselors promised that Iverson would be there the next day, so bring their gear for him to autograph. And every day, Iverson blew it off; come to find out, even the counselors hadn’t spoken to him in weeks.

“You ain’t no real nigga. You a white boy, you preppy, you rich boy.”

How do you get better than perfect? I mean, they managed to translate a tactical isometric combat system into a first-person shooter. As somebody who hates FPS’s, and loved the original Fallout combat system, I’ve been super happy. What are your complaints?

I just want to point something out: though I’m hesitant to tell people what they should or shouldn’t criticize, I think it’s... misguided to complain or worry about Fallout 4’s graphics right now. What’s more important is that this trailer looks real, which is more than we could say for all the bullshots and CGI

I remember how Call of Duty tried to hype me up about a dog. Today someone else succeeded in that.

Netflix show. Funny.

Man, great job belittling that guy for liking a character that you don’t like! You sure showed them, high five you tool!

Can’t believe Tabitha Soren, Kurt Loder, Matt Pinfield, and Jesse Camp all said no.

I kommend your korageous komment.

Yeah! How dare they not release something that isn’t kompleted yet!

Just let the last gen consoles fizzle out and die already. They were showing their age even three or four years ago.

this game isn’t made by americans -the developers are french.

The possibility of United States intervention looms like a malignant threat

I work for a supplier for jewelers, and it isn’t uncommon for me to suggest a customer to check out our competition for a product we do not sell. It is more about keeping a customer happy and supplied in a fickle business in hopes that they succeed and use you going forward while they grow.

He asked where it was and they answered. What more do you people want!?

Fallout NV was good but no one near as good as Fallout 3, had some neat ideas and the weapon system was better but man... It did not have the character or the depth Fallout 3 had. Fallout 3 was such a masterpiece every location had it’s own story to tell, ware as NV would just throw in a building just so there is