Ken We Bone

*Cuts self on all the edginess*


Pete Carroll fucked the Seahawks.

Calm the fuck down, faggot.

Burned myself on this hot take.

Fuck you. He’s right.

I’m pretty sure I’m absolutely right. Unless I was taught wrong, there are more than 18 hours in a day. So even with no usage, your watch is basically a brick before the end of a day.

Until the inevitable divorce.


Yay! A watch that only works for a few hours a day before you have to recharge.

Lousy stuck up Riverdale punks...think they’re too good for us

What a cunt.



That’s the whole point.

Check out the big brain on Brad.

Goddamn Quechua-German-English-Austrian actors pretending to be Mexican. If I had a nickel for every time this happened...

This isn’t Bruce Wayne, so Conroy wouldn’t be necessary.